DevExpress ASP.NET 19.1.5

Amélioration des contrôles DataEditors, GridView et Spreadsheet.
Août 2, 2019
Nouvelle Version


All ASP.NET MVC products

  • Documentation - Add information that the GetStyleSheets method should be called only once.
  • IntelliSense files for the client-side API are not up to date for version 19.1.

All ASP.NET Web Forms products

  • Documentation - Update the ASPxLabel.AssociatedControlID and LabelSettings.AssociatedControlName articles.
  • IntelliSense files for the client-side API are not up to date for version 19.1.


  • OfficeApps Demo - The number of files in the side menu is not updated after a file is deleted or uploaded.


  • A touch keyboard is shown on Windows 10 devices on clicking the ASPxCombobx editor even if end-user input is not allowed in the editor
  • Accessibility - IMG ALT text must not use ASCII art (which includes smileys).
  • ASPxComboBox - The control is incorrectly rendered on a High-DPI screen if the scale is set to 125%.
  • ASPxGridLookup - "The GridViewWrapper control 'gv' does not have a naming container" error occurs in the designer when ASPxGridLookup is located in an item of ASPxFormLayout bound to a data source.
  • ASPxGridLookup - Server Mode - Filtering by a DateTime column throws the "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()" exception if the control is bound to EntityServerModeDataSource.
  • BootstrapTextBox - The Autofill feature does not work when Password is set to "true" and NullText is specified.
  • FilterControl - Highlighting on mouse hover works incorrectly when ShowOperandTypeButton is set to True.
  • Form Layout Designer - Designer content is not re-rendered when a page is re-focused.
  • GarbageCollector doesn't clear the client instance of the non-existent control.


  • A default translation for "ASPxEditorsStringId.FilterControl_GroupType" contains an unnecessary white space.
  • An edit form layout item hidden in the BeforeGetCallbackResult event handler becomes visible when an error is assigned in the RowValidating event handler.
  • Batch Edit - Controls placed in a toolbar item template are not shown in Preview Changes mode.
  • Batch Edit - The KeepChangesOnCallbacks mode is not localized.
  • Batch Edit mode - If the SettingsDataSecurity.AllowEdit property is disabled, it's not possible to edit the newly added row.
  • Columns width values and HorizontalScrollBarMode state are corrupted when changing a grid cookie version.
  • GridViewDataComboBoxColumn - Server-side custom filtering causes an error.
  • Memory leaks in Chrome if there are frequent Refresh calls and the grid's page size is large.
  • Pressing CancelChanges doesn't remove ShowPreview styles.
  • The "CheckedList" header filter works incorrectly when the grid is placed inside ASPxPopupControl with SettingsAdaptivity.Mode set to "Always".
  • The date edit column's SettingsHeaderFilter.DateRangePickerSettings.PickerType property is not published.
  • The GridViewDataTokenBoxColumn editor has a very large width.
  • The size of the "All" page is not saved to the layout data and cannot be restored when searching by the Search Panel.
  • The toolbox "Columns" item's checked state is not updated on a custom callback.
  • Documentation - Add a note that ConvertEmptyStringToNull equal to False doesn't return an empty string for GridViewDataDateColumn.
  • Filter Control - "The target for the callback could not be found or did not implement ICallbackEventHandler" exception is thrown on processing a callback request for a combobox column if the ViewMode property is set to "VisualAndText".


  • Certain actions in the Design tab may cause the Head tag content modification.


  • No fields are shown in the filed list after calling the LoadLayoutFromString method if the layout string was saved without fields.
  • The 'Can not find next visual item' exception is raised on export to Excel.


  • Collapsible headings are not displayed.
  • An error occurs when pasting a single image.
  • Not all content is pasted when copying from Word.
  • The "Cannot read property 'getCellIndex' of null" script error occurs on an attempt to open a certain file.
  • The "Cannot read property 'position' of undefined" script error occurs when applying the UPPERCASE command to a certain document part.
  • The paragraph mark between two tables should be hidden automatically if the second table was inserted as a result of some merge field.
  • Emf/wmf images are not displayed.

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • Context menu items hidden in the menu's client-side PopUp event handler become visible after a callback.
  • The "ASPx.AppointmentDragHelper is not a constructor" JS error occurs when dragging an appointment on a touch screen if the OptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDrag property is set to "None".
  • The "headerInfo is undefined" error occurs after clicking on the Agenda view in Edge and FF.
  • TimeLine cells/headers are rendered with thick borders when the Xhtml doctype is specified.
  • Timeline view - Сontent is moved to the top left corner in the Edge browser under certain conditions.


  • The endless loading panel is shown after copy/paste in Mozilla Firefox.
  • A validation error is thrown if a formula is created via the keyboard only.
  • It is impossible to select a value from the Data Validation list on a touch screen.
  • The "Cannot read property 'prevWndWidth' of undefined at ret.IsKeyboardAppearanceOnAndroid" JS error occurs on Android device in Chrome when orientation is changed.
  • The "Ctrl+S" shortcut doesn't work as a client-side error occurs.
  • The alignment of a work sheet name is incorrect with more than 70 worksheets.

Bootstrap Charts

  • A custom Title style applies to the title element after a delay.

Bootstrap Data Editors

  • "Cannot read property 'GetVirtualScrollTopSpacer' of undefined" error occurs on showing BootstrapComboBox items if the BootstrapComboBox editor is located before the BootstrapDateEdit editor in the "ScrollPicker" mode.
  • BootstrapCheckBoxList and BootstrapRadioButtonList don't provide access to the SettingsBootstrap property of child elements.

Bootstrap GridView

  • Columns width values and HorizontalScrollBarMode state are corrupted when changing a grid cookie version.
  • The "Failed to load ViewState.." error occurs when PopupEditForm and CustomizationDialog are enabled.

Bootstrap Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • BootstrapToolbar - An item's title disappears if adaptivity is enabled (SettingsAdaptivity.Enabled="true").

DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Controls - Introduce an option to control DateTime serialization.
  • DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Controls - TypeLoadException with .NET Core 3.0.
  • Roboto-700 font is not loaded in projects created based on the Responsive Application template.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • A focused row's summary text is difficult to read in the Soft Blue Compact theme.
  • editing.selectTextOnEditStart doesn't work for a lookup column with a remote data source.
  • Header filter isn't applied correctly after search.
  • Rows may be incorrectly rendered in virtual scrolling mode when a mouse is used to drag a scrollbar.
  • Slow performance when the cellValue method is called several times.
  • The NavigateToRow method causes multiple calls of the onFocusedRowChanged event.
  • DataGrid doesn't scroll to a focused row if it's defined inside DropDownBox.
  • DataGrid flickers in Angular when a new row is inserted and one of the column is sorted in the descending order.
  • DataGrid loses focus on editing with the focused row enabled.
  • DataGrid scrolls back to the focused cell if Shift + mouse wheel is used for horizontal scrolling.
  • DataGrid shows the "Missed labels" error in the accessibility WAVE test.
  • Documentation - Describe that sortByGroupSummaryInfo does not work if remote paging is enabled.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • dxCharts - Tooltips do not follow Material Design guidelines.
  • Stacked bar Chart doesn't display all series if valueAxis has date values.

DevExtreme Diagram

  • It is not possible to change the default shape type of bound toolbox items.

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • Changes in markup don't change the widget's value if its text editor window contains just one text line.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • The fields set is cleared in the fields chooser after a new field is added.
  • The onContextMenuPreparing event handler is not executed for FieldChooser.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • The "E1035 - Editor cannot be created because of internal error" error occurs on an attempt to add a new appointment in React and Vue.
  • scrollToTime doesn't work when the view is timelineDay or timelineWeek.
  • Scheduler displays the appointment collector with the "1 More" message when only one appointment is in the cell.
  • Scheduler doesn't generate the first weekly recurrent appointment in certain cases.
  • Scheduler hides an appointment tooltip if there is not enough place to display it.

DevExtreme Tools

  • Devextreme-cli build-theme is not available for a specific version.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • Alert - The alert dialog doesn't render title text in the Material theme.
  • Autocomplete - It is not possible to navigate from one group to another by using arrow keys.
  • DataGrid - The widget incorrectly exports group summary values if the allowExporting option is set to false for any column.
  • DateBox - Changing the date with the keyboard doesn't modify a value in the DOM.
  • DropDown editors do not have an accessibility label specified for the default drop-down button.
  • Lookup doesn't display item text if data is assigned with a delay.
  • NumberBox - The value of the aria-valuemin attribute is undefined if the Min option is defined.
  • NumberBox incorrectly rounds numbers in certain cases.
  • Popup - The nested dxScrollView widget may reset its position under certain conditions in Chrome on Android 9.
  • Popup - The widget is incorrectly rendered in the mobile Chrome browser if the Chrome URL bar is hidden.
  • Popup - Title text is cropped in the Material theme.
  • SelectBox - A data source doesn't call a Web API service if paging is enabled and the widget value is changed by using the Down arrow button.
  • TabPanel - The registerKeyHandler option's handler is not passed to tabs.
  • There is no API to dynamically update FAB/SpeedDialAction position.

MVC Data Editors

  • ComboBox - The required unobtrusive validation works incorrectly if null text is specified, and the ajax form is used.
  • FilterControl - The OperandType button works incorrectly with nested properties.
  • SpinEdit - The LostFocus event is not raised in Edge when a value is changed via buttons.
  • The FilterControlExtension.GetFilterExpressionInfo method returns null if this method is not invoked in the scope of a Filter Control's callback action.

MVC GridView

  • "[Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove event with cancelable=false" error occurs while scrolling GridView content on mobile devices if GridView has fixed columns.
  • Columns width values and HorizontalScrollBarMode state are corrupted when changing a grid cookie version.
  • Pressing CancelChanges doesn't remove ShowPreview styles.
  • "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error occurs on an attempt to delete a row in Batch Edit mode when Endless Paging is used, and UpdateEdit is called in BatchEditRowDeleting.
  • A new added row is not shown in the grid with more than 200 rows and is sorted in descending order by one column in Endless Paging mode.
  • Responsive layout is recalculated incorrectly after an edit form is shown and the window size is changed.
  • Batch Editing - The editor width is changed when setting a batch cell value in the ValueChagned event handler.
  • Cascading ComboBoxes - ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged event is raised at the end of editing if this ComboBox was filtered to show only one item.
  • Custom Data Binding demo - "The method or operation is not implemented." exception occurs if text in the search panel contains the ":" symbol.
  • Page scrolling does not work on mobile devices when the grid has a fixed column.
  • Page scrolling does not work on mobile devices when the grid has a fixed column and custom CSS styles are applied.
  • The DisplayName attribute of the model field is ignored in the adaptive view if the ShowColumnHeaders property is set to "false".
  • Text displayed in the GridLookup editor is not synchronized with a focused row of a drop-down GridView control after sorting GridView columns in single-selection mode.

MVC HtmlEditor

  • The "Unable to find the 'DevExpress.Web.Css.ISprite.css' resource in the 'DevExpress.Web.v19.1' assembly" error occurs if the MenuIconSet parameter is set to Colored in the GetStyleSheets method.

MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions

  • FormLayout - Disabled styles are not applied.
  • PopupControl - Header text is not centered if the Close button is shown.

MVC Pivot Grid

  • ArgumentNullException occurs in the Prefilter if fields contain only null values.

MVC Report

  • An unhandled exception occurs after closing a report in the End-User Report Designer if the "Data Member" property is changed.
  • "Property 'initialize' in type '...' is not assignable to the same property in base type ..." errors occur when compiling a project if the strictNullChecks option is set to True.
  • The 'Unable to get property 'locked' of undefined or null reference' JS error occurs when changing a view with the Report Designer to another one using AJAX.
  • Web End-User Report Designer - How to customize color schemes in the Report Wizard.
  • Web Report Designer - A chart created in the previous version losses some properties.
  • Web Report Designer - A report's URL is lost after executing the 'Design In Report Wizard' command.
  • Web report designer - GetUrls method is not executed by the Open dialog when all tabs are closed.
  • Web Report Designer - Not all datasource schema requests take a custom IDBSchemaProvider implementation into account.
  • Web Report Designer - The CenterHorizontally command doesn't correctly work for a label placed into a panel.
  • Web Report Designer - Translation to Italian, French, Spanish and German languages is not complete.

MVC RichEdit

  • Floating object rotation is lost in .doc documents.
  • How to set the maximum number of commands, which can be sent in one request.
  • Tables may be overlapped of they are close to each other.
  • The "Importing: CharacterFormattingExporter.Cache.Count != documentModel.Cache.CharacterFormattingCache.Count" error occurs when the SQLOfficeStateProvider approach is used.

MVC Scheduler

  • Appointments' and custom scales' layouts are calculated incorrectly on the initial loading of Scheduler if the width of vertical resource headers is customized.
  • A callback to the server is still sent on an appointment click even if e.cancel is set in the client-side AppointmentToolTipShowing event handler.

MVC Spreadsheet

  • Data labels do not take value axis display units into account.
  • Spreadsheet - The onSuccess callback is not raised after PerformCallback.
  • The "Text Fill" settings are ignored for data labels of a pivot chart.

MVC TreeList

  • Batch Editing - A model's properties are not available in a data cell template.

Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • ASPxFileManager - The file is uploaded in the incorrect folder in the specific case.
  • ASPxFileManager / MVC FileManager - The "An item with the same key has already been added" error occurs on an attempt to load folders with the same names from the Google Drive storage.
  • ASPxFormLayout - Height set in percents does not work for layout groups and items.
  • ASPxFormLayout - The position of captions after a callback is incorrect.
  • ASPxLoadingPanel - ASPxComboBox loses focus on pressing the "Tab" key when a modal loading panel is invoked.
  • ASPxMenu constantly increases height when resizing a browser window.
  • ASPxPageControl - Size of tab elements is changed based on size of an active page's content in FireFox.
  • ASPxPageControl - Unhandled exception occurs when the accessibilityCompliant flag is set and TabTemplate is used.
  • ASPxPopupControl - The client-side AfterResizing event is not raised after the client-side BeforeResizing event in a specific case.
  • ASPxSplitter - The "Object reference not set to an instance of object" error occurs on an attempt to define its client-side event handlers in the Properties window.
  • BootstrapMenu - The 'Cannot read property '0' of undefined' error occurs when BootstrapGridView is in SubMenuTemplate.
  • Documentation - Clarify that the ASPxPopupControl.PopupElementID property should match a real id value of an html element (or ClientID on the server side).
  • FileManager (TreeView) - Expand/Collapse buttons can't be focused with the Tab key in Accessibility mode if custom icons for the buttons are specified using the ExpandButton.Url/CollapseButton.Url properties.
  • ImageProperties - Describe that URL properties have higher priority than IconID.
  • Web - Menu item caption is not updated under specific conditions.

Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core

  • A floating image is not rendered in a document in
  • A table in the document exported to the ".docx" format has an incorrect layout.
  • The custom font is changed to the standard one when a document with text and this custom font is opened.

Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core

  • Spreadsheet tabs are not visible when control is switched to FullScreen mode in DevExtreme Drawer in Chrome.

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhandled error (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) when calling the WebChartControl.DrillUp method in certain situations.
  • End-User Chart Designer - It is impossible to set the Axis.VisibilityInPanes property.
  • WebChartControl - Certain elements are marked as not supported in ASPX markup after the upgrade.
  • WebChartControl - Unhandled error occurs in design mode when the chart is placed in a template container.

XtraReports Suite

  • Aggregate functions are not available in the Expression Editor executed for the Background Color property.
  • JsonDataSource - Special characters as € are not displayed.
  • Reporting Application Project Template - Compilation errors from the Parchment npm package are displayed in Visual Studio.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - A report with subreports created in version 18.2.6 cannot be opened in version 19.1.3.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer for .NET Core - Toolbox items cannot be added (a VCS issue).
  • Web Report Designer - Memory leaks in browser while using designer in Angular application.
  • Web Report Designer - Wrong button is displayed on the "Select the columns" page of the report wizard.
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