GhostDoc v2019.3.19260

Ajoute une nouvelle boîte de dialogue Recherche dans l'éditeur de règles/modèles.
Septembre 18, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Added new search dialog in rule/template editor.
  • Added two new menus Show Extension Path and Show Settings Path in Tools -> GhostDoc -> Help & Support.
  • Modified Constructor, Indexer, Event, Method, Property T4 templates to add "GroupSimilarExceptions" option to group (or not) exceptions when generating XML Comment.


  • Issue rendering tool windows in VS2019.
  • Tags TODO/autogenerate no longer added when updating existing comment.
  • Issue when re-documenting Class after seealso is removed.
  • Issue documenting in VS2013 when VS2015 is installed.
  • Batch actions (Document Type, Document File) now skip methods that have exclude or inheritdoc in XML comment.
  • Issue adding method parameter multiple times when re-documenting a VB property.
  • Issue with the comment previews when parentheses added to the property or field in a see link.


Simplifiez vos commentaires XML.

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