Dynamic Web TWAIN 15.2

Inclut désormais la capacité d'ajouter des balises aux images.
Septembre 20, 2019
Nouvelle Version



  • Added the capability to add tags to images. The tags can then be used to filter the images. The new APIs are TagImages, ClearImageTags, SetDefaultTag and FilterImagesByTag.
  • Tidied up the Dynamsoft Service installer by removing redundant files.
  • Unified image decoding capabilities for JPEG and PNG on Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Improved the speed of PDF decoding by loading the file as a whole instead of per page.

HTML5 on Windows

  • Improved Windows buffer management so that its capacity is only limited by the size of disk space on the machine.

HTML5 on macOS

  • Improved macOS installers for better user experience.

ActiveX on Win

  • Aligned PDF rasterizer in ActiveX so that it shares the same feature set with the HTML5 edition.



  • Fixed a bug with the API CreateTextFont where the text takes up extra space when it is rotated by 90 degrees.
  • Fixed a bug where printing results in unnecessary extra blank pages in Firefox or IE11.
  • Fixed a bug where a missing filename parameter results in upload failure.

HTML5 on Windows

  • Fixed a bug where the library attempts to download an incorrect installer when the Barcode Reader add-on is used.
  • Fixed a bug with the API GenerateURLForUploadData so that it returns an URL that shows the correct SDK version.


  • Fixed a bug where 8-bit image data can't be compressed as a JPEG-TIFF.
  • Fixed a bug with the event OnTopImageInTheViewChanged where it doesn't get triggered if images are acquired into an empty buffer.
Dynamic Web TWAIN

Dynamic Web TWAIN

Kit de développement logiciel de numérisation de documents sur navigateur.

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