Actipro Editors for WPF 2019.1 build 0684

Améliore l'éditeur AutoCompleteBox.
Janvier 15, 2020
Nouvelle Version


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.SelectedItemChanged event.
  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.InputMode property, which determines control usage behavior.
  • Updated numeric edit boxes to support large incremental changes when holding Shift while pressing Up/Down, using the spinner, or rotating the mouse wheel.
  • Updated several numeric edit boxes to support custom format strings with semi-colon conditional format specifiers.
  • Updated AutoCompleteBox to dispatch filter application after property changes, thereby ensuring all data-bound properties are updated when the filter executes.
  • Updated the ColorPicker.Value property to be a nullable Color, so that it doesn't display an initial color when used within a nullable ColorEditBox.
Actipro Editors for WPF

Actipro Editors for WPF

Composants d'entrée de données avancés pour les applications WPF.

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