WebStorm 2019.3.4

Améliore l'interface utilisateur et la prise en charge de TypeScript.
Mars 20, 2020
Nouvelle Version


No subsystem

  • VueJS plugin with vuex-smart-module not working in IntelliJ IDEA v 2019.3 with destructuring assignment.

JavaScript. Frameworks

  • kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException with IDEA 2019.3.3 and Vue.js plugin 193.6494.25.


  • "Navigate | Type Declaration" does nothing.

Editor. TextMate Bundles

  • Open File or folder hangs out Rider UI completely.

User Interface. Project View

  • Larger font and vertical spacing in Project tree view and completion popup - regression in 2019.3.3.


IDE JavaScript et TypeScript.

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