Actipro Editors for UWP 2020.1 build 0351

Améliore l'analyse de DoubleEditBox et SingleEditBox avec un format de pourcentage.
Août 28, 2020
Nouvelle Version


  • Added an IsNullAllowed property to DatePicker, DateTimePicker, and TimePicker, and changed their Value property type to be nullable DateTime. When null is allowed, a Clear button appears on the MonthCalendar.
  • Improved how numeric edit boxes parse whitespace within custom format string literals.
  • Improved the DoubleEditBox and SingleEditBox parsing of values when using a percentage format.
  • Updated Calculator to commit any pending operations when focus is lost.
  • Updated Calculator's handling and display of decimal points and trailing zeros.
  • Updated Calculator's handling of data entry following its Value property being changed externally.
  • Updated MaskedTextBox to move the caret past the literal characters in the mask when gaining focus.
Actipro Editors for UWP

Actipro Editors for UWP

Contrôles avancés d'édition pour la saisie de données tactile, par souris et clavier.

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