PyCharm 2020.2.1

Permet désormais de déboguer le script Python sur un Sous-système Windows pour Linux (WSL) 2.
Septembre 2, 2020
Nouvelle Version


  • Added support for debugger binaries in Python 3.9.
  • Added the ability to debug Python script on Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.
  • Added better performance experience when plotting matplotlib.
  • Collapsed the “External Libraries” tree in new projects.
  • JetBrains Runtime has been rebased on top of OpenJDK 11.0.8.
  • Added a better typing speed experience after switching to OpenJDK 11.0.8.
  • Added separate "Structural Search" inspections based on language.
  • Added attributes arrangement for Vue.js.
  • Angular: Added support type inference for structural directives on ng-template tag.
  • Added the ability to import default Prettier rules to the Vue and HTML code style.
  • Added the ability to automatically exclude .nuxt folder from the project.
  • Yarn2: Added the ability to navigate from Yarn library in Project View to package.json.


IDE Python avec prise en charge de Django.

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