Aspose.Words for C++ V20.10

Prend en charge l’exportation de pages spécifiques au format PDF.
Octobre 20, 2020
Nouvelle Version


  • Added the ability to export non-sequential pages to rendered formats.
  • Added support for loading CHM documents.
  • Added support for exporting specific pages to PDF.
  • Added the ability to insert OLE objects as ‘Package’ and insert correct document type icon.
  • Added the ability to bind or get mapped XML data (CustomXmlPart) with/from StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.
  • Added the option to mark images as equal when “id” attributes are different.
  • Integrated page splitting feature.
  • Added the option to leave page refs untouched when rendering.
Aspose.Words for C++

Aspose.Words for C++

Développez des applications hautes performances permettant de créer ou de modifier des documents Word.

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