TX Text Control .NET for WPF Standard X18 SP4

Améliore les filtres de texte, le menu contextuel et les boîtes de dialogue.
Octobre 23, 2020
Nouvelle Version


Text filters

  • DOCX import: Document causes 01-1D02 error.
  • Character background color is set for the whole paragraph when exporting to HTML.

Context menu

  • A table can be added into a protected field through the context menu.

Dialog Boxes

  • Line spacing exactly increases tenfold.
  • The Find and the Replace dialog have English titles on German Microsoft Windows versions.


  • Resource Kit: symbol character dialog not all values are translated.


  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException in txkernel.dll.


  • TX Words hangs when pasting from large file.
  • Double click on area of underscores does not select complete area.
  • Field at first position in table is not deleted if table is deleted.
TX Text Control .NET for WPF Standard

TX Text Control .NET for WPF Standard

Ajoutez l’édition et la création de documents, ainsi que la génération de PDF à vos applications WPF.

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