Actipro WPF Essentials 2020.1.1

Améliore les contrôles "Themes", "Editors" et "Docking/MDI".
Novembre 20, 2020
Nouvelle Version


  • Docking/MDI
    • Refactored the InteropFocusTracking logic for determining if a HwndHost contains keyboard focus.
  • Editors
    • Updated AutoCompleteBox to support disabling its list virtualization when the attached VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing property is set to false.
  • Themes
    • Improved the appearance of tabbed MDI container tabs when in dark themes.
    • Improved the ListView control theme.
  • Shared
    • Improved the AdvancedTextBlock logic for adjusting the HighlightForeground when needed.
  • Theme Designer
    • Added a context menu to Resource Browser list items with multiple copy options.
    • Improved the performance when selecting a theme definition base color using a color picker.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials

Une suite de contrôles et de composants professionnels d'interface utilisateur pour WPF.

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