Aspose.Words for .NET V21.6

Permet désormais de créer des nuages de points avec des lignes.
Juin 4, 2021
Nouvelle Version


  • Added API that allows you to change the color of chart category series.
  • Added support for rendering DrawingML, InkML and ContentPart.
  • Added the ability to change the color of chart series.
  • Added the ability to create scatter charts with lines.
  • Added the ability to always generate an object for an XML root element in LINQ Reporting Engine.
  • Added the ability to get/set Asian character spacing properties.
  • Added storeItemChecksum get/set method.
  • Added Fill.PresetTextured() method.
  • Added the ability to change pie chart colors.
  • Added the ability to always generate an object for a JSON root element in LINQ Reporting Engine.
  • Added Microsoft Word 2013 behavior for continuous sections with footnotes.
  • Added the ability to get/set chart series colors.
  • You can now convert DOCX to PDF with free hand drawn images.
Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words for .NET

Lisez, modifiez et créez des documents Word sans passer par Microsoft Word.

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