Aspose.Cells for .NET V21.6

Permet désormais d’incorporer des polices au codage ANSI. Prend également en charge les styles de segment personnalisés dans XLSB.
Juin 18, 2021
Nouvelle Version


  • Added the ability to get the value of SlicerCacheItem in the Slicer.SlicerCache.SlicerCacheItems collection.
  • Added support for custom Slicer styles in XLSB.
  • Added the ability to set user defined formulas as array-formulas and at the same time provide values as calculated results for those formulas.
  • Added the ability to embed fonts with ANSI encoding.
  • Added the ability to check if a worksheet is empty.
Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells for .NET

Créez et gérez des feuilles de calcul Excel sans passer par Microsoft Excel.

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