TX Text Control ActiveX Standard X19 SP3

Améliore les filtres de texte, la mise en forme du texte et les images.
Juillet 22, 2021
Nouvelle Version



  • Image can only be positioned in the left edge of header after the second call.


  • EditableRegion is extended to the following text after using Undo.

Text Filters

  • DOCX import: Document causes 01-1D04 error.
  • Images are not displayed in TX Text Control.
  • Legacy Fields: First value in DropDown-List FormFields is not selected and shown as field value.
  • Loading documents containing styles named "Heading" will change the style's name.
  • A bulleted list with a list item formatted with bold text will not be displayed in Microsoft WordPad.

Text Formatting

  • ActiveX 64 bit only: FontName Property causes exception.
TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

Traitement de texte et génération de rapports complets pour les langages de base COM et Visual Basic 6.

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