MindFusion.WPF Pack 2021.R1

Ajoute des assemblys pour .NET 5 et apporte des améliorations à Diagramming, Scheduling et Reporting.
Juillet 27, 2021
Nouvelle Version


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET 5 - The distribution now includes assemblies for Microsoft .NET 5.

New in MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

  • SVG nodes - New node class allows you to display SVG drawings.
  • Import diagrams from SVG - The new SvgImporter class allows you to import SVG files into MindFusion.Diagramming.
  • Code 128 barcodes - BarcodeNode now supports Code 128 barcodes.
  • Lasso zoom tool - The control now supports several ways to zoom using Lasso tool:
    • Set the Behavior property to Zoom to always draw a zoom lasso.
    • Set the Zoom flag for one of the ModifierKeyActions keys to let users draw a zoom lasso with the respective modifier key pressed, along with the left mouse button.
    • Assign the Zoom value to the RightButtonActions or MiddleButtonActions property to zoom using the mouse button.
  • Layout improvements
    • Automatic layout classes now process DiagramLinks connected to TreeViewItems.
    • You can now set the LayeredLayout CompactLaterally property to create more compact layouts.
  • Fishbone Diagrams - New FishboneDiagram control creates Ishikawa diagrams from a specified data source. These Fishbone diagrams are used to display causes of manufacturing effect/defect/event, grouped in categories and arranged as ribs around a backbone.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The TextLinePositions property now returns the positions of text lines in a ShapeNode.
    • PdfExporter and SvgExporter now support ImageBrush brushes.
    • The MoveNodes behavior allows grabbing nodes to drag them without using adjustment handles.
    • Added protected visibility to DiagramItem CompleteModify overloaded method, called for indirect modifications.
    • PanBehavior class used to implement Pan and PanAndModify behaviors is now public, allowing derived custom behaviors.
    • ImageAlign now supports FitLeft, FitTop, FitRight and FitBottom alignment styles, which resize an image to fit a node's boundaries and align it to the respective border.
    • The InitializeLasso event now lets you customize the appearance of a selection lasso before it shows on screen.
    • NodeModifying and LinkModifying events are also now raised for items in multiple-selection.
    • The Behavior property setter no longer clears current selection. Call the SetBehavior method with true argument instead if you need selection cleared too.

New in MindFusion.Scheduling for WPF

  • Dark themes - Two new dark themes have been added, accessible via the Dark and Black elements of ThemeType enumeration.

New in MindFusion.Reporting for WPF

  • Code 128 barcodes - Barcode objects now support Code 128 barcodes.

New in MindFusion Virtual Keyboard for WPF

  • Added new Dispose and DisposeShared methods.

New in MindFusion.UI for WPF

  • Added new SvgViewer control which lets you display SVG drawings in WPF.
  • Code 128 barcodes - BarcodeLabel now supports Code 128 barcodes.
  • WindowDocking and WindowUndocking validation events have been added to DockControl.
  • ItemSelected and ItemClosing events have been added to DockControl.
New dark theme for Scheduling

MindFusion.WPF Pack

Ajoutez des diagrammes, des calendriers, des rapports, un clavier virtuel, des graphiques et des jauges à vos applications WPF.

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