ER/Studio Data Architect for DB2 19.1

Permet désormais d’afficher les attributs des objets ER.
Octobre 11, 2021
Nouvelle Version


  • Updated compare/merge script generation to create the foreign key after the parent table.
  • Updated the INTERVAL DAY(0) datatype in the live database to no longer be reversed as INTERVAL DAY(11).
  • Updated compare/merge to now generate the correct extended alter SQL in specific cases.
  • Added the ability to populate the GetFilePath() file name in macros.
  • Now retains the Quick Access toolbar and styles are now persistent when a style is chosen.
  • Added the ability to specify a backup folder location upon uninstall.
  • Added support for a hyperlinked URL on a Term Custom Attribute.
  • Updated the user interface colors of tabs to be in line with other similar items.
  • Replaced current Java version with AdoptOpenJDK 11.
  • Added the ability to view attributes in ER Objects.
ER/Studio Data Architect for DB2

ER/Studio Data Architect for DB2

Solution de conception, de modélisation et de collaboration pour les architectes d'informations d'entreprise.

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