Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 22.1.0

Prend en charge Visual Studio 2022 et .NET 6.
Décembre 13, 2021
Nouvelle Version


  • Added an 'Editor Views - Synchronization QuickStart' to demonstrate synchronizing the scroller and splitter of one editor instance with another.
  • Added support for customizing drag/drop text when dragging within the same editor.
  • Added new non-generic interfaces ITaggerBase (implemented by ITagger<T>) and ITagAggregatorBase (implemented by ITagAggregator<T>) for a type-safe way of working with these types when the type of ITag is not relevant.
  • Added ITaggerBase.NotifyTagAggregatorAttached and ITaggerBase.NotifyTagAggregatorDetached which are called when an instance of TagAggregatorBase<T> attaches to or detaches from a tagger.
  • Added CanKeepCaretVisible property to ScrollDownAction and ScrollUpAction to control if the caret should optionally be moved to remain visible after scrolling. Corresponding overloads have been added to IEditorScrollViewer.ScrollDown and ScrollUp methods.
  • Added various IQuickInfoSession.Placement* properties that return values if the placement-oriented Open method was used to open the session.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt Quick Info QuickStart to demonstrate repositioning the QuickInfoSession.PlacementRectangle property for these kinds of sessions as the view is scrolled.
  • Improved the vertical scrollbar behavior when dealing with collapsed regions.
  • Improved the positioning logic for IntelliPrompt popups.
  • Improved the logic for the EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs.TypedText property to remove whitespace that might have been added to pad a typed character for proper virtual space positioning.
  • Updated drag-and-drop behavior to support customization through DragEventArgs.Effect.
  • Updated drag-and-drop to scroll horizontally when the drop caret is near the edges of the control.
  • Updated drag-and-drop to remove possible unnecessary scrolling following a drop.
  • Updated feedback when dragging to only show the 'Copy' or 'Move' indicator over valid drop locations.
  • Updated Single-Line Mode QuickStart to include a formula example with alternate style for nested parenthesis.
  • Updated TagAggregatorBase<T> so it no longer calls Dispose when detaching from taggers which implement IDisposable. Taggers can use the new ITaggerBase.NotifyTagAggregatorDetached method to determine the most appropriate time to dispose of the tagger.
  • Updated IntelliPrompt to show drop shadows only when user preference for drop shadows is enabled.
  • Updated the SyntaxEditor.SuspendCaretBlinking and ResumeCaretBlinking methods to support caret display when focus is not in the editor.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt repositioning logic to better handle when a session is closed due to being scrolled out of view.
  • Updated the MoveSelectedLinesDownAction logic to prevent unexpected results when at the document end.
  • Updated outlining logic to ensure that a collapsed outlining node expands if its end is removed and it becomes an open node.
  • Validated Microsoft .NET 6 compatibility.
  • Added Microsoft .NET 5 variations of the product assemblies to the NuGet feeds.
  • Added Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5+ designer support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and updated the 'About...' designer action to open product-specific online documentation.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms

Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms

Éditeur avec surlignage et fonctions enrichies et option Intellisense opur C# et VB.

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