TX Text Control ActiveX Standard 30.0 Service Pack 1

Améliore les commentaires, le suivi des modifications et les filtres de texte.
Février 11, 2022
Nouvelle Version


Text Fields

  • Error is caused when FieldData is called.

Text Filters

  • CSS import: Font shorthand property is parsed incorrectly.
  • Form fields are moved outside of table cells when saving.
  • Error 01-1D09 when loading specific Microsoft Excel file.
  • DOCX: only TOC title is exported for TOC with hyperlinks.
  • DOCX Export: Style based on [Normal] will be based on Normal after export to DOCX.

File IO

  • Errors when saving documents with the Trial version.


  • Unknown Reviewer is replaced by the last used user after saving a document.

Dialog Boxes

  • Crash after closing the style modify dialog with Cancel.

Track Changes

  • Selecting and replacing one character in tracked change changes input position.
TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

Traitement de texte et génération de rapports complets pour les langages de base COM et Visual Basic 6.

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