Infragistics App Builder mis à jour

Prend en charge OpenAPI (Swagger) et une version sur site de "App Builder".
Mars 15, 2022
Nouvelle Version


  • Added OpenAPI (Swagger) support.
  • Added an On-Premise version of App Builder that you can install on your own server and behind your own server firewall. This instance is runnable on any infrastructure and accessible only by internal personnel.
  • Added the ability to set image round radius using px, % or rems.
  • Added the ability to persist zoom level of the design surface when switching between views or previews.
  • Improvements when generating Blazor apps:
    • Added support for custom themes (color palette and typography).
    • Added the ability to apply global font and color/background from the app's theme.
    • Added the ability to allow custom headers when adding REST API URL source.
    • Improved code generation for Date Picker, Grid (columns), List and Nav-Drawer items.
    • Added support for nested arrays in objects as data source.
Infragistics Ignite UI

Infragistics Ignite UI

Créez rapidement des applications Web performantes et ultra-rapides.

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