Aspose.Words for .NET V22.5

Prend en charge le chargement de documents EPUB et XML, ainsi que de nouveaux assemblys pour .NET 6.0.
Mai 6, 2022
Nouvelle Version


  • Added support for loading EPUB documents.
  • Added support for loading XML documents.
  • Added support of “Envelope No. 10” page size for printing.
  • Added support for rendering a border box around the MathML formulas and the strike lines.
  • Added a loading progress notification.
  • Added Microsoft .NET 6.0 assemblies to the release build.
  • Added the ability to format page number.
  • Improved font detection when rendering characters in MathML formulas.
  • Improved text wrapping for RTL paragraphs with custom left indent.
Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words for .NET

Lisez, modifiez et créez des documents Word sans passer par Microsoft Word.

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