OrgChart JS – Version d’avril 2022

Prend en charge le chargement différé, et permet désormais d'activer ou de désactiver les animations d'action.
Mai 20, 2022
Nouvelle Version


  • Added OrgChart.convertCsvToNodes() function.
  • Added a new 'LAZY_LOADING' const which can be used to instruct the browser to defer loading of OrgCharts that are off-screen until the user scrolls near them. The init event listener will be called as soon as the OrgChart become visible.
  • Magnify has been added to TypeScript.
  • You can now turn action animation on or off.
OrgChart JS

OrgChart JS

Créez des organigrammes simples, flexibles et hautement personnalisables pour présenter des données structurées de manière élégante.

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