TX Text Control ActiveX Standard 30.0 SP2

Améliore l’exportation au format DOC, la mise en forme des fichiers DOC et les champs de texte.
Juin 8, 2022
Nouvelle Version


Text Filters

  • Combination of TextFrame and Image with insertion mode fixed position on page leads to 01-1D09 when exporting to DOCX.
  • DOC: Formatting styles are not exported.
  • DOC Export: Style based on [Normal] will be based on Normal after export.
  • HTML: Overlapping text after saving a document as HTML.


  • German Resources: Word is missing in "Page Setup" dialog in the "Headers and Footers" tab.

Text Fields

  • Field.Start changes after undo when Field.ID is used.
TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

TX Text Control ActiveX Standard

Traitement de texte et génération de rapports complets pour les langages de base COM et Visual Basic 6.

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