Cloud Keys 2022

Ajoute une nouvelle version d'API .NET et améliore la prise en charge multiplateforme.
Octobre 17, 2022
Nouvelle Version


.NET Edition

  • Added a new async version of the API designed to support asynchronous programming (async/await) for all operations.
  • Cross-platform .NET editions now support Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. This opens .NET development not only on Microsoft Windows, but also Linux and Apple macOS.
  • Access to runtime licenses for .NET editions has been improved making it easier to install via NuGet or for non-Windows platforms to obtain a license. License keys can be set in code, facilitating use on non-Windows systems.

C++/Qt Edition

  • Updated across the board to provide a more consistent and simpler development experience.
  • The Qt toolkit has been merged into the C++ toolkit.
  • The C++ Edition libraries for Linux have been updated to use the internal implementation of SSL/TLS and other cryptographic functions. OpenSSL is no longer a dependency when working on Linux and the linker options -lssl -lcrypto are not needed.

Delphi Edition

  • Cross-platform development on Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple macOS is now supported using Firemonkey.
  • The component installation location has been changed to the user's Documents folder, and IDE search paths have been updated. During installation, if a previous version exists, you'll be prompted to uninstall it.

Java/Android Edition

  • The Java and Android editions have been merged. This will improve the experience of developers working on applications for both mobile and desktop.

macOS/iOS Edition

  • The macOS and iOS editions have been merged. This will improve the experience of developers working on applications for both mobile and desktop.
Cloud Keys .NET Edition

Cloud Keys .NET Edition

Gérez en toute sécurité les clés et les secrets avec les services cloud de gestion de clés populaires.

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