ActiveReports.NET 16.3.1

Ajoute un nouveau type de rapport permettant de combiner plusieurs rapports RDL en un seul.
Novembre 16, 2022
Nouvelle Version


  • New Report Type - RDL Multi-Section Report - RDL Multi-Section Report, the new report type, provides the possibility of combining multiple RDL reports into a single report optionally with various page sizes. You can also create continuous page layout reports with different page sizes and orientations, from scratch. While in an RDL Report, there are page settings for the complete report, in the RDL Multi-Section Report, the report can have multiple sections with independent page settings.
  • New Line Breaking Algorithm - Added a new setting - LineBreakingAlgorithm - to the 'GrapeCity.ActiveReports.config' file to provide the user a choice between using the 'Legacy' and the 'Unicode' line breaking algorithm for word wrapping. It is suggested to specify 'Legacy' for wrapping lines when preparing text with numerical values for display.
  • GroupIndex in Tablix and Table - In the Tablix and Table data regions, you can display row numbers for grouped data by using the GroupIndex function. The GroupIndex function returns the row or column number for the specified group.
RDL Multi-Section Report


Une solution complète de création de rapports pour concevoir, personnaliser, publier et afficher des rapports dans vos applications métier.

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