ComponentSpace SAML Suite Fall 2022 Release 1 (v6.0.0+v4.5.0)

Prend en charge les identifiants de nom chiffrés et améliore la prise en charge de plusieurs réponses SAML en attente.
Novembre 18, 2022
Nouvelle Version


ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET v6.0.0 updates:

  • Added support for encrypted Name IDs.
  • Added support for multiple pending SAML responses within the one browser session.
  • Removed the pre Microsoft .NET 4.0 framework HttpRequest/HttpResponse based low-level APIs.

ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core v4.5.0 updates:

  • Added support for encrypted Name IDs.
  • Added support for multiple pending SAML responses within the one browser session.
  • You can now sign out the user in the SAML authentication handler on a local signout.
  • Added the ability to use the IHttpClientFactory – only affects SOAP, PAOS,URI bindings and metadata download.
  • Use IOptionsMonitor rather than IOptionsSnapshot as it is more performant.
ComponentSpace SAML Suite

ComponentSpace SAML Suite

Ajoutez des assertions, protocoles, liaisons et profils SAML v2.0 et v1.1.

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