Actipro Wizard for WinForms 23.1.0

Ajoute la compatibilité avec .NET 7, ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle de couleurs MetroDark.
Février 9, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • Validated Microsoft .NET 7 compatibility.
  • Added MetroDark color scheme.
  • Added MetroScrollBarRenderer which supports MetroLight and MetroDark color schemes.
  • Added IWindowsColorScheme interface that will replace most references to WindowsColorScheme.
  • Added IWindowsColorScheme.GetKnownColor method which can return a scheme-appropriate color for supported known colors and should be used instead of SystemColors to allow for proper color adaptation on dark schemes.
  • Added IUIRenderer.ColorScheme property to enable all renderers to derive appropriate colors from a color scheme.
  • Added MarkupLabel.LinkColor and MarkupLabel.ActiveLinkColor properties to determine the default color of link elements when explicit colors are not defined by the anchor element.
  • Improved high DPI support.
  • Removed OS-level support to detect Microsoft Windows XP color schemes. Windows 7 and earlier will report WindowsClassic color scheme. Windows 8 and newer will report MetroLight color scheme.
  • Improved scenarios where some controls might stop painting properly if exceptions were raised while painting was suspended.
  • Updated the argument names of DrawingHelper.DrawRoundedRectangle and FillRoundedRectangle from offsetX/offsetY to radiusX/radiusY to better communicate the expected values and improved rendering of both methods.
  • Updated all assemblies to be code-signed.
  • Updated Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 targets to .NET Framework 4.6.2 since it is the most recent supported version of .NET Framework.
  • Updated Microsoft .NET 5 targets to .NET 6 since .NET 5 is out of support. Users can continue to use Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 targets for .NET 5 applications.
  • Refactored WizardPage layout logic.
  • Improved IWizardRenderer to implement IUIRenderer interface.
Actipro Wizard for WinForms

Actipro Wizard for WinForms

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