PyCharm 2023.1

Ajoute une nouvelle interface utilisateur et prend en charge les Jupyter Notebooks distants.
Avril 4, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • New PyCharm User Interface (UI)
    • The new UI has been created to reduce visual complexity, provide easy access to essential features and progressively disclose complex functionality as needed, resulting in a cleaner look and feel.
      • Window header - The new Project widget shows the current project's name, allows switching between recent projects, creating new projects, and opening existing ones.
        • The VCS widget shows the current branch, allows switching branches, and provides the most popular VCS actions like updating projects, committing changes, and pushing changes.
        • The Run widget allows you to start run/debug configurations, select other configurations to run, change the mode for the current configuration (run or debug), and edit or delete the current configuration.
      • Tool windows - The tool window bars take less space and use icons for easier navigation. To rearrange the tool window, drag its icon along the sidebar and drop it under the separator for a vertical split or on another sidebar to divide the windows horizontally. Click the More tool windows icon to access tool windows not yet present on the screen.
      • Debug tool window - The main debug actions have been moved to a single toolbar. Tabs for switching between the Threads & Variables view and Console now appear in the tool window tabs when there is a single running configuration. The toolbar with run actions has also been moved to the tool window tabs.
      • Navigation bar - The navigation bar is now located in the status bar at the bottom of the main window. If you prefer the former location, you can move it back to the top by going to the main menu and selecting View | Appearance | Navigation Bar.
      • Compact Mode - If you work on a smaller screen, you can enable Compact Mode. In this mode, the IDE reduces the height of the toolbars and tool window headers, scales down spacing and padding, and makes icons and buttons smaller.
  • Remote Jupyter Notebooks
    • Connect to the remote Jupyter servers - To attach a remote Jupyter server to your project in PyCharm, select Tools | Add Jupyter Connection from the main menu and choose Connect to Jupyter server using URL in the popup. The remote server will now be bound to this specific project.
    • Work with remote Jupyter notebooks - You can now copy, paste, and rename remote Jupyter notebooks between local and remote machines.
    • Debug remote Jupyter notebooks - Debugging individual cells inside remote notebooks is now possible. Multiple breakpoints can be set per cell, and the Step Into and Step Over functionalities can be used for error diagnostics.
  • Editor
    • Better type inference for generics - The way PyCharm works with generic classes and protocols has been redesigned. The IDE now features improved handling of hierarchies of generic classes and generic protocols, resolving many long-standing problems with type hinting.
    • Manage packages for multiple projects at a glance - The Python Packages tool window now supports a workflow in which you have a dependent project attached to your primary one. After choosing the project in the additional panel on the left of the tool window, you can install and uninstall packages as well as manage their versions for each of the projects.
    • Code Vision: inlay hints for usages - It's now easier to keep track of class implementations and overriding methods with the new usages inlay hints. They show the number of times a symbol is used right above its declaration, and allow you to navigate to a usage. If you'd like to turn them off, hover over a hint and select Hide 'Code Vision: Usages' Inlay Hints from the context menu.
    • Better syntax highlighting in the Quick Documentation - The Quick Documentation tooltip now provides syntax highlighting for the definition of the selected expression, inferred type, and clickable links for definition elements. Syntax highlighting in the Quick Documentation popup now looks very similar to the one in the editor, providing better visibility for the code documentation.
    • Inline prompt for Rename refactoring - Updated the way Rename refactoring is used in PyCharm. Instead of typing a new name in the popup dialog, you can now change it through the inline prompt form.
    • Further improvements:
      • Optimized the performance of the Special Variables window in the Python Console and Debug Console. A preview of the calculated variable values is now displayed faster, especially for large collections.
      • You can now specify the placement of pasted content when pasting a line that was copied or cut without selection.
      • Quick Documentation tooltips for attributes or parameters now render markup formatting.
  • User experience
    • Full IDE zoom - It is now possible to zoom into and out of the IDE entirely, increasing or decreasing the size of all UI elements at once.
    • New Remember size for each tool window setting - You can now customize the IDE layout by adjusting the width of the side tool windows. PyCharm will remember your choice for each tool window.
    • Configure Actions on Save for new projects - This release adds an option to predefine how the IDE will behave when you save changes in future projects.
    • Further improvements:
      • When you're searching for classes, Search Everywhere (Double Shift) now provides more accurate results as it's now powered by machine learning.
      • The Scanning files to index... process is now performed in smart mode, which makes the full IDE functionality available much earlier in the startup process.
      • When Microsoft Windows Defender with real-time protection is running, PyCharm now suggests adding certain folders to Defender's list of exclusions for better performance.
  • Frontend Development
    • Astro support - You can now get Astro support through the new Astro plugin, which can be installed from Preferences / Settings | Plugins. The plugin provides basic functionality including syntax highlighting, code completion with automatic imports, refactorings, navigation, correct formatting, and more.
    • Automatic conversion of strings to template literals - PyCharm will now transform your single- or double-quoted strings into template literals automatically whenever you type ${. This works for raw strings as well as for JSX properties.
    • Support for TypeScript in Vue templates - Added TypeScript support in Vue templates. It's enabled when you set the lang attribute in a script tag to ts. Previously, JavaScript was used regardless of the lang attribute in the script tag. PyCharm will now provide support for inline casting, improved type narrowing, and correct information about inferred types in quick documentation in templates of Vue Single-File Components.
    • Tailwind CSS configuration - In this release, support for configuration options has been added, such as custom class name completion under the classAttributes option, or experimental ones like tailwindCSS.experimental.configFile.
  • Markdown
    • Reformat tables - You can now correct the formatting of tables in Markdown files by using the Context actions shortcut (Alt+Enter) or by pressing the yellow bulb icon and selecting Reformat code from the list that appears.
    • Fill Paragraph for Markdown files - The ability to break long texts into several lines of even length using the Fill Paragraph editor action is now available for Markdown files.
    • New Smart Keys settings page for Markdown - Easily manage your preferences for editing Markdown files with a new dedicated page that provides separate checkboxes for various editor features.
  • Version Control Systems
    • Improved code review workflow for GitHub - The Pull Request tool window now features a dedicated tab for each pull request you open. The tab instantly displays the list of changed files. There is a dedicated button to easily execute the action that's considered the most important given the pull request's current state.
    • VCS status color hints in the Structure tool window - To make tracking changes to files more convenient, color hints have been added to the Structure tool window. The names of modified objects will now become blue, and the names of the newly added objects will appear in the tool window highlighted in green.
    • Improved Branches popup - Improved the usability of the Branches popup. Navigating between branches is now easier as they are grouped and stored in expandable lists.
    • Further improvements:
      • Implemented auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup. Once you start typing a name for your new branch, the IDE will suggest relevant prefixes based on the names of existing local branches.
      • To speed up the commit process, the commit checks for Git and Mercurial are now performed in the background after you commit but before you push.
Debug tool window


IDE Python avec prise en charge de Django.

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