GoLand 2023.1.1

Améliore les fonctionnalités d’info-bulle et de saisie semi-automatique.
Mai 4, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • IDE warm-up starter now installs required project plugins.
  • GotIt tooltip: You can now allow inline code elements to show in tooltip text.
  • Tailwind auto-complete now works with ESM projects.
  • Added support for import() of typedef's in JSDoc from other modules/packages.
  • Improved New Vue Component action.
  • Added support for Generic Components.
  • Vue: Added support for namespaced components in script setup syntax.
  • Angular: Added 'strictNullCheck' in templates.
  • You can now show corresponding icons of .cjs files as well as .js.


Un environnement de développement multi-plateformes conçu spécialement pour les développeurs Go.

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