Astah UML v9.1

Réorganise la configuration des couleurs et améliore les miniatures du diagramme.
Juin 28, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • Enhanced Consistent Modeling: When important changes are made to models that are used in multiple diagrams, Astah shows more notifications to avoid making unintentional inconsistencies in the models as a whole.
  • Effectively-collapsible branches in Mind Maps: New Collapse/Expand branch options enable you to smoothly and quickly focus on certain branches without distraction.
  • New color palette with more colors and additional keep-color option: New color palette gives you 279 color options to choose from at a glance and also enables you to keep the color setting for all the models you create after.
  • Expanded Auto-alignment coverage: Auto-alignment options are added to Ports, Input Pins, Output Pins and Activity parameters. No more manual layout adjustment needed.
  • Artifacts in Deployment diagram: Finally, Artifacts are available in Deployment Diagrams. Also Nodes and Components in Deployment Diagrams have the same operability as other models now.
  • Enhanced Diagram Thumbnails: You can now open the thumbnails of the related diagrams where a selected model is used or referenced.
Color Configuration

Astah UML

Outil léger de création de diagrammes UML avec carte heuristique.

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