Scriptcase V9.9.015

Améliore l’environnement de production grâce à l’ajout de fonctionnalités de récupération de mot de passe et de mises à jour automatiques.
Juillet 20, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • Improved the production environment interface
    • Completely redesigned the interface, added password recovery functionality, and implemented automatic updates for the production environment.
  • Improved Scriptcase libraries
    • Cleaned up the libraries, removing obsolete and unused ones while updating those in old versions.
  • Added new macro 'sc_lookup_field'
    • This macro allows the developer to execute a SELECT command at a time and have access to the data returned through the dataset parameter, in array format: {dataset[line_number][field_name]}.
  • Added support for Column Selection and Linking between applications in a grid with vertical orientation.
  • Added support for password recovery in the production environment.
  • Added the option in deployment to generate a page containing a link to the initial application.
  • Improved opening mode for downloading files from the "Document (File Name)" data type.
Scriptcase adds password recovery to production environment.


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