Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1

Ajoute une fonctionnalité d'aide intelligente, la compatibilité avec Laravel et un nouvel outil pour créer des formulaires PDF modifiables.
Juillet 26, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • Stimulsoft Forms - This tool can be used for creating, editing, filling out, publishing, distributing interactive PDF forms, and collecting results. Stimulsoft Forms can be embedded into applications developed on Angular, Microsoft .NET Core, and ASP.NET platforms.
  • RTF Support in .NET Core - This functionality has long been present in Stimulsoft products for the Microsoft .NET Framework; however, text formatting for .NET Core components was only possible using HTML tags. Now you can utilize the Rich Text component in your .NET Core reports.
  • Data Pagination in Table Elements - Specify the number of data rows per page, then the Table element will divide all data rows into pages and add a navigation bar. Additionally, this release adds the ability to automatically switch between pages after a certain period of time when viewing the dashboard.
  • New Number Box Dashboard Element - This element is used to filter dashboard data based on numeric values, including both integers and fractions. You can perform data filtering using a single value or a range of values.
  • 3D Line Chart - This type of chart displays a series of data points connected by lines. It can be used for tracking trends and performing trend analysis.
  • Smart Guides - Align components while maintaining vertical and horizontal lines relative to other components. Smart guides are displayed when components are placed on the page and when they are placed within other components, such as panels or bands.
  • Support for Laravel - The ability to integrate into applications written in Laravel, has been added to the Reports.PHP and Dashboards.PHP products.
  • JSON and OData Request Headers - This feature allows you to provide additional information when making data requests.
  • Initial Values for Lists - Define initial values for List Box and Combo Box dashboard elements. The initial values can be taken from the Key data field of these elements.
  • Dashboard Snapshots - This release adds the ability to create snapshots for dashboards to the Stimulsoft BI Server product.
  • Search in Data Dictionary and List of Cultures - You can enable or disable the search string in the Settings menu of the data dictionary. The search can be conducted using both partial and exact matches. Additionally, in string editor, you can now search for cultures when adding a new culture to the list.
  • Access to Compiled Reports - This release makes significant improvements to the security policy regarding compiled reports.
  • Disable Blanks in Dashboards - Previously, when viewing a dashboard with missing element data, the state (Blanks) would be displayed for those elements. To disable this state, simply set the element's 'Show Blanks' property to false.
  • Custom Color - Added the ability to use any color to customize the design of the report designer.
  • Support for CData Connect Cloud - This release adds the ability to connect to the CData Connect Cloud platform directly from the report designer.
  • Stimulsoft.Svg.NetCore - This release now includes the Stimulsoft.Svg.NetCore NuGet library. As a result, SVG rendering on report pages now functions on various platforms including Microsoft .NET Standard, .NET Core and .NET frameworks. It is also compatible with Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. Moreover, our library supports multiple operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux.
Create fillable PDF forms

Stimulsoft Ultimate

Générez des rapports et des tableaux de bord dans vos applications.

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