Actipro WPF Studio 23.1.3

Inclut des améliorations apportées aux éditeurs, aux jauges, aux grilles, à SyntaxEditor et aux thèmes.
Septembre 12, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • Editors
    • Added a new Custom Edit Box QuickStart sample demonstrating how to build an edit box for a custom type.
    • Updated each edit box template to bind the TabIndex property down to the embedded TextBox control.
  • Gauge
    • Added a PointerBase.StartDrag method that can programmatically start a pointer drag operation when the left mouse button is pressed elsewhere in the gauge.
  • Grids
    • Updated TreeListBoxAutomationPeer's implementation of the IItemContainerProvider interface.
  • Shell
    • Updated shell service logic to better handle Microsoft's recent Windows 11 updates in root Desktop child folder results.
    • Updated dialogs launched from context menus to show at the menu's location.
  • SyntaxEditor
    • Updated the IntelliPrompt completion list description tip to announce in screen reader apps.
    • Updated OverlayPaneCollection.AddSearch to close any existing overlay panes before adding the SearchOverlayPane.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Updated the C# grammar with improved error handling within block statements.
    • Updated the VB grammar to support a first optional argument in an argument list.
    • Updated the binary assembly reflection logic to handle a possible exception when examining obfuscated assemblies.
  • Themes
    • Updated edit controls in a read-only state to have a slightly dimmer foreground than normal.
    • Updated several theme brushes.
  • Shared
    • Refactored ResizableContentControl layout logic to better handle external constraints.
    • Updated UserPromptControl to make the content area's ScrollViewer focusable only when scrollbars are visible.
Actipro WPF Studio

Actipro WPF Studio

Une suite de contrôles et de composants professionnels d'interface utilisateur pour WPF.

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