Stimulsoft Reports.WEB 2023.4.1

Ajoute un nouveau composant de signature numérique à utiliser lors de l’exportation de rapports au format PDF.
Octobre 10, 2023
Nouvelle Version


  • New Signature Component - Added new digital signature component for exporting reports to PDF. The PDF Element component is used to define the digital signature's location and choose options for displaying certificate information. When the report is exported to PDF, the digital signature is populated with certificate data. Configuration of the PDF element component can be done either in its editor or by using properties.
  • Data Source Conversion - Change the type of data source. For instance, file data sources can now be converted to SQL sources and vice versa.
  • Custom Color - This release introduces the ability to use any accent color for the report designer.
  • Document Viewing Security - Protect reports from unauthorized access after exporting to Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. This can be achieved by specifying a password for the "Encrypt with Password" option in the Document Security group when exporting the report.
  • Document Editing Security - When exporting reports to Word (.docx) and Excel (.xlsx) files, you can protect them from unauthorized editing.
  • Setting up Titles for Maps - This new version introduces a group of properties called Labels for the Region Map element and the Map component. With this set of properties, you can configure the font, text color, and shadow color for labels on maps in dashboards and reports.
Stimulsoft Reports.WEB

Stimulsoft Reports.WEB

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