Client-side data entry validation for SharePoint

SharePoint Form Validation V1.6.813 supports client-side validation for SharePoint list field data.
Avril 6, 2011
Communiqué de presse

SharePoint Form Validation provides 4 standard validation types for input content checking when users create a SharePoint list item using New Form or edit an item using Edit Form. They are Required Validation, Regular Expression Validation, Compare Validation, and Range Validation. The Administrator can configure the 4 validations and customize the warning error messages for most columns in a list. The Required Field Validator is used for setting whether a column should be null or not. Regular Expression Validator is used to check whether inputted content is against a regular expression. Range Validator makes effect when it is required that some value of data should be in a range. Compare Validator plays an important role when data are set to be compared with each other.


  • Check whether the user has entered or selected value
  • Check whether input value is against a regular expression
  • Check whether input value is between two fixed values
  • Compare input value with a fixed value or others
  • List frequently-used regular expressions in setting pages

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Data input validation with SharePoint Form Validation.

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