Lancements de Actipro Docking & MDI for WinForms
Released: Nov 13, 2019
Mises à jour de 2020.1
- Improved the selected tabbed MDI container to not repaint its contents when its parent Form is activated or deactivated.
Released: Dec 13, 2018
Mises à jour de 2018.1 build 0341
- Improved the rendering of several button glyphs.
- Made several rendering adjustments to help in high DPI scenarios.
- Updated the dragging of a tool window in the MDI area to support drag-to-float.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the previous build where nested dock containers might not resize properly with the splitter.
Released: May 24, 2018
Mises à jour de 2018.1
- Added full support for right-to-left display of docking and MDI controls, useful in certain cultures.
- Updated all controls and elements to support numerous WinUICore measure/arrange infrastructure improvements.
- Updated system drags over unselected tabs to only select after a brief delay.
- Updated auto-hide tab renderers to better handle non-square images.
- Updated a single floating tool window title bar click to ensure focus moved within the tool window.
- Updated the mechanism used...
Released: Jun 1, 2016
Mises à jour de 2016.1
- Added the DockManager.DocumentWindowsCanFloat property, which when set to true, allows tabbed documents to be floated via a tab context menu item.
- Added the DockManager.DocumentLayoutData property and SaveDocumentLayoutToFile/LoadDocumentLayoutFromFile methods, which can be used to save/load the layout of already-open tabbed MDI documents.
- Added the DockManager.ShowNextWindowNavForm method that allows for programmatic display of the next window navigation form.
- Added the...