Aspose.Cells for C++ V24.9
Released: Sep 11, 2024
Mises à jour de V24.9
- Added support for implementing custom functions through Aspose.Cells API using AbstractCalculationEngine functionality.
- Added support for using Object type objects as function parameters.
- Added support for functions that return Object type objects.
- Added support for reading, storing and rendering limit equations and equation groups.
- Added support for exporting equation content to MathML format.
- Added support for choosing whether equations should be output as images or MathML strings.
- Added support for exporting cell address as attributes when saving HTML.
- Added support for translating "Sum of" column in PivotTable reports.
- Added support for getting formulas of pivot calculated items.
- Added support for getting formulas of pivot calculated fieldsin .xlsb file.
- Added support for creating CheckBoxes for ranges.
- Improved support for extracting math equations to LaTeX format.
- Optimized image resource release while converting to PDF.
- Optimized image data handing while converting to PDF.
- Improved converting checkboxes to # signs when converting to HTML.
- Improved performance of calculating grouped pivot fields.
- Improved support for detecting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) format.
- Part of shape's text got lost when saving to PDF.
- Issue with printing comments in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Extracting Math equations to image not working.
- CheckBoxActiveXControl is lost when converting file to PDF.
- Limit equations do not render as expected when rendering to PDF.
- Dynamic images do not refresh properly if you remove a worksheet.
- The result file crashes when loading template file with AbstractInterruptMonitor and then re-save it.
- Conditional Formatting with Spill formula does not execute properly.
- Changing range name not working for XLSB.
- Getting stuck on workbook.CalculateFormula().
- Chart axis are rotated when chart is rendered to image.
- Discrepancies in output PDF while converting from XLSX.
- Drawing shapes not rendered fine in HTML.
- Some of the text in the chart, font rendering is not the same as Excel.
- Excel to PDF conversion distorts some charts/diagrams.
- Excel Charts are scaled when converted to EMF images.
- Conversion of checkboxes to # signs when convert to PDF.
- Diagonal border display error when saving file to PDF.
- Missing images when converting particular XLSX to PDF.
- Wrong decimal separator in CSS properties for German locale/region when saving HTML.
- Corrupted XLSB file when converting XLSX file to XLSB.
- Pivot item hidden not work as expect.
- Single node is exported as attributes when exporting file to JSON.
- Output Excel file is corrupted.
- Saved XLSX is corrupted file with uncalculated pivot table.
- Ungrouping PivotField should keep original field.
- Category and ContentStatus properties in created XLS have incorrect values.
- File labels metadata not preserved after saving XLSX file.
- Invalid Link Path (Long Path).
- Slicer/Pivot cache is being reverted despite having been changed in Excel file.
- All Slicer items are selected after calling RefreshAll() method.
- Display custom caption of pivot item as slicer item.
- Value auto fill error when setting AutoFillType.Series.
- The background color is not same as MS Excel.
- The text format in the graph legend is different after re-saving the file.
- Conditional formatting breaks when combining workbooks.
- Issue with spaces in formula strings during Numbers 9 to XLSX conversion.
- NullReferenceException regression bug.
- Export XLSX to HTML - Getting an exception after refreshing pivot tables.
- Exception "Index was outside the bounds of the array" when loading an ODS file.
- Converting numbers to XLSX throws an 'index is out of range' exception.
- Exception when converting null to double during Numbers 9 to XLSX conversion.