Aspose.Cells for Java V23.4

Released: Apr 12, 2023

Mises à jour de V23.4


  • Adds XlsbSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider property - Allows user to save XLSB files in 'LightCell' mode.
  • Adds Worksheet.CalculateArrayFormula(…) methods - Allows user to calculate one formula as array formula dynamically without setting it to a cell at first.
  • Adds CalculationOptions.CharacterEncoding property - Allows user to specify the encoding used for characters when calculating formulas such as CHAR and CODE.
  • Adds EquationNode class and it’s derived classes - Allows users to complete the construction of an equation shape by inserting relevant nodes.
  • Adds FileFormatType.XHtml and FileFormat.OneNote enums - Represents the XHTML and Microsoft OneNote file format type.
  • Adds FontConfigs.IsFontAvailable() method - Returns whether the font is available.
  • Adds LoadOptions.IgnoreUselessShapes property - Indicates whether to ignore useless shapes in XLSX files.
  • Adds PivotArea.OnlyData and OnlyLabel properties - Represents whether only selecting data or label for pivot area.
  • Adds SaveFormat.XHtml enum - Represents saving format.
  • Adds ListObject.PutCellFormula() method - Puts formula to the cells in a table.
  • Adds VbaProject.Encoding property - Gets and sets the encoding of a VBA project in Microsoft Excel files.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.SheetNameAsElementName property - Indicates whether saving sheet name as element name when converting Excel to XML data.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.DataAsAttribute property - Indicates whether saving data as attribute of node when converting Excel to XML data.


  • Aspose.Cells gets stuck saving file as XLSB.
  • Calculated result of MIRR is not correct.
  • Aspose Cells does not re-calculate formula for some values.
  • Chart to Image - character and legend height not rendered correctly.
  • Scales of the chart are missing in Excel to PDF rendering.
  • Can not switch worksheet for the specified file from customer.
  • Can not load file in GridWeb for the file test.xlsx.
  • setRowHeightForCSV does not take affect after switch worksheet ,the csv file row height is still small.
  • After adjusting the column width, the position of the filter button should also be adjusted in place.
  • Wavy line fill is different after saving file to PDF.
  • Formula display error when saving file to SVG.
  • Line position error when saving file to SVG.
  • Incorrect removal of pages during Excel to PDF conversion when using PrintingPageType.IGNORE_BLANK option.
  • Some texts are not visible when converting to SVG.
  • Cell content location error when converting to HTML.
  • Extra white space appears when exporting the file to HTML.
  • HTML to Excel: Cannot hold the multiple format at the same time.
  • Plot is missing in bar charts when converting XLSX to ODS.
  • Sun shape is converted to a rectangle shape when converting ODS to XLSX.
  • Cell values are not visible for cells having cross-sheet when converting XLSX to ODS.
  • Data loss when converting HTML with lists to XLSX.
  • HTML to XLSX: Alignment not retained.
  • The result file has a different uid when saving a workbook twice.
  • PivotArea selection supports other pivot fields type than PivotFieldType.Data.
  • Colours of pie charts should be preserved when converting XLSX to ODS.
  • The first slice angle of pie chart is not correct when converting Excel to ODS.
  • Add OneNote format to FileFormatUtil API to detect the FileFormatType.