Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET V24.8
Released: Aug 30, 2024
Mises à jour de V24.8
- Added PDF/A-4 support.
- You can now flatten transparent images in a PDF document.
- Added the ability to convert into markdown an area bounded by a rectangle.
- You can now remove dependent annotations programmatically.
- Added support for verifying ECDSA.
- Text extraction performance has been improved for documents with a large amount of vector graphics.
- Added support for saving huge PDF documents into the original location with no exceptions.
- Stability has been improved in extracting text from the document in multiple threads.
- PdfViewer: Added support for tracking progress of printing.
- Memory usage has been optimized in text extraction for documents with a large amount of vector graphics.
- PDF to PDF/A Conversion Issue.
- Fixed CVE-2018-8414 vulnerabilities for abusing PDF files.
- PDF to PDF/X_3 - output file is not compliant.
- Mathematical equations are being extracted as random/garbage characters.
- PDF resizing problem from 209.9 x 296.8 mm to A4.
- Null reference exception when optimizing resources.
- Can't clear text using TextFragmentAbsorber.
- PDF created with signature (Signotec) does not print out correctly.
- PDF to PDF/X-3 - output file is not compliant and showing wrong format.
- API is taking long time to load XPS file.
- PDF Viewer prints the document incorrectly.
- High memory consumption in TextAbsorber read.
- How can we print a PDF file using manual feed for Tray and Aspose.PDF.
- System.NullReferenceException when opening PDF.
- Processing PDF to PNG throws "System.NullReferenceException".
- PDF to HTML - invalid type of object error.
- PDF to PDF/A-1b - the output PDF does not pass compliance test.
- When using special regex TextFragmentAbsorber missing words.
- Automatic Redaction of Document Portions.
- Redaction affects the other positions on the page that are not in the selected area.
- Aspose.PDF 21.10: After adding annotation there are no annotations in the resulting PDF file if open it in Google Chrome.
- Exception is thrown during tableAbsorber.visit(page).
- Extracting several pages from document will add unreadable faded characters in generated document.
- Flatten() method causes exception.
- Image ALT Tags not working.
- Resultant PDF generated from SVG file is not correct.
- Background shade appearing behind image contents in PDF file.
- Aspose.PDF 24.1: When saving particular PDF to Excel, some numerical cells were translated incorrectly.
- An exception is thrown when searching for text with a regular expression in TextFragmentAbsorber.
- The PDF-to-image converter produces a blank image.
- Exception after first processing page.
- System.StackOverflowException thrown on OptimizeResources call.
- Aspose.Pdf.InvalidValueFormatException: "Date has invalid format:" thrown when Save the document.
- Invalid result for HTML to PDF conversion.
- Empty result doc after exporting document fields to JSON and then importing them into a new empty document.
- Huge memory consumption while converting XPS to PDF.
- Empty PDF document generated, while converting HTML to PDF.
- PDF to HTML throws ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
- PdfViewer: Barcode is missing in print output.
- NotImplementedException: Not supported image type.
- Checkbox Display Issue During PDF to JPEG Conversion.
- Checkbox Display Issue During PDF to PNG Conversion.
- PDF to Excel: NullReferenceException when using MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets.
- Images rendered incorrectly when converting XPS to PNG or HTML.
- System.IndexOutOfRangeException when reading the TabOrder property of the fillable field.