Froala Editor v3.x
Released: Jun 13, 2019
Mises à jour de v3.x
Updated May 18, 2021
- Fixed Froala editor scrolls up if you use enter in table.
- Fixed Enter_BR: Multiple characters gets deleted on backspace.
- Fixed space getting removed between link and text when loading the content with html.set method.
- Fixed uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined.
- Fixed with htmlUntouched the empty character is deleted.
- Fixed blur fires if the user clicks a toolbar button in Mobile.
- Fixed when attribution: false in Froala v3 editor appearance looks odd.
- Fixed user cannot link the selected word if the enter option is set to BR.
- Fixed dropdowns has a horizontal scroll in Apple Safari (Mac).
- Fixed current instance loses the focus if the user clicks on the button of the shared toolbar.
- Fixed char counter is missing when the inlineToolbar is enabled.
- Fixed Ionic4: toolbarBottom option doesn't work.
- Fixed cannot upload .svg image in the editor.
- Fixed update State in functional component.
- Fixed ImageEdit popup doesn't appear on mobile devices.
- Fixed external javascript is not executing in the editor.
- Fixed replace fill-available to stretch, because spec had been changed.
- Fixed uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined.
- Fixed MS SharePoint integration support.
- Fixed keyboard issue on Apple IOS device running a ionic/capacitor app on Angular.
- Fixed editor cannot be initialized for the second time with ng-if directive.
- Fixed After setting contenteditable false, can still select the text apply features(like bold) from toolbar.
- Fixed click on the Clean button should remove all formatting.
- Fixed form tag removed when editor is itself contained with a form.
- Fixed pasting a numbered list from Word resets numbers to 1.
- Fixed pressing backspace on quoted area which contains fr-inner class, removes the whole quoted area or content..
- Fixed Content gets deleted on the Enter click in Safari.
- Fixed adding image caption adds empty P tags on the above and below of the image.
- Fixed wordPaste plugin unconditionally removes empty table cells in Google Chrome.
- Fixed cannot apply an option from the dropdown.
- Fixed image alignment does not work as expected.
- Fixed method events.focus() does not work.
- Fixed TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null.
- Fixed editTable popup doesn't appear on mobile devices.
- Fixed TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined.
- Fixed after pasting the image, the user cannot type.
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null.
- Fixed Unexpected behavior with style height: 100vh in the content when fullpage option is enabled.
- Fixed quick insert button shows half after adding a table in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed xss vulnerability issue.
Updated Feb 6, 2021
- Fixed Method events.focus() does not work.
- Fixed Missing translation es, pt_pt, ko, pl, it.
- Fixed Cannot insert the Font Awesome icon.
- Fixed The preformatted text (pre tag) loses its formatting if it's pasted into the editor.
Updated Jan 25, 2021
- Fixed Spell checker not working and missing Image Advanced Edit button in Node JS SDK.
- Fixed Unable to load any images or files Python Flask SDK.
- Fixed Upload Video not working in Rail SDK.
- Fixed On opening an uploaded file throws "HTTP status 404-Not Found" in Java SDK.
- Fixed Unable to upload images in Java SDK.
- Fixed On opening an uploaded file throws "Template is missing" in Rail SDK.
- Fixed Image upload throwing error for "By Url and Upload Image" under 2nd & 3rd section of Editor in Node js SDK.
- Fixed Video upload throwing error for "By Url and Embed code" on Console for Save disk section in Node js SDK.
- Fixed Unable to Upload Images,videos and files under S3 editor in Python Flask SDK:.
- Fixed File upload not working for files other than PDF in .NET SDK.
- Fixed Unable to upload images through Browse option and Sample-2 Editor(Resize on Server) in Node js SDK.
- Fixed Unable to Upload the Files from File Manager Plugin in Python Flask SDK.
- Fixed Unable to remove file from disk when image is deleted from the Accept only JPEG images in Ruby SDK.
- Fixed Video are not playing under Firefox in Ruby SDK.
- Fixed Help plugin UI not inline in knockout framework.
- Fixed Color plugin issue in WordPress framework.
- Fixed Undo.saveStep() not working with React when inserting content without focusing editor.
- Fixed componentWillMount hook deprecated.
- Fixed Cell height of table not proper in CakePHP 3.
- Fixed Insert link plugin is not working properly in CakePHP 3 framework.
- Fixed Quote plugin not working properly in CakePHP 3 framework.
- Fixed Froala editor not coming up in fullscreen mode in CakePHP 3 framework.
- Fixed Paragraph format UI is different from other framework/froala editor in Yii Framework.
- Fixed Codeview not working properly in WordPress framework.
- Fixed Line Breaker not showing break icon on mouse hover at the bottom of the table In Aurelia Webpack.
- Fixed Quick insert option is not working in normal screen mode but working in full screen mode.
- Fixed Unable to access to the AppComponent members in Angular2+.
- Fixed Selection box is misplaced for embedded link in Knockout frame work.
- Fixed GatsbyJS support issue.
- Fixed Setting the content with ng-repeat, events are undefined in Angular1.
- Fixed user can't scroll with mouse wheel when editor is inside DevExpress popup.
- Fixed Unable to drag an image under Firefox in Word Press.
- Fixed Embed URL ,Advanced Edit in Image TUI, Code Beautifier not working in WordPress.
- Fixed Heading 2 does not appear with underline in paragraph formatting in WordPress.
- Fixed Maximize screen does not change the symbol to 'Restore' after maximizing E in WordPress.
- Fixed Spell checker and Image TUI not working Aurelia Integration Webpack Framework.
- Fixed Error when trying to show the editor after it is hidden, if options are defined in Angular 1.
- Fixed missing plugins when Froala is imported from the vue-froala-wysiwyg,.
- Fixed quick insert not working in both master and v3 in angular framework.
- Fixed Copy-Paste options through shortcut keys not working properly in Django framework.
- Fixed Download PDF not working - across all frameworks.
- Fixed Copy paste not working as expected in Knockout framework.
- Fixed Insert link by short-cut(ctrl-k) is not working if text is not provided in URL addition.(same in master also).
- Fixed Quick insert not visible in both master and V3 in Angular 2.
- Fixed entities plugin in Yii framework.
- Fixed Image_TUI issue across all Frameworks.
- Fixed No colors for different attributes in code view(meteor and cake2)-across all Frameworks.
Updated Jan 19, 2021
- Fixed Cannot apply an option from the dropdown.
- Fixed Cannot insert the Font Awesome icon.
- Fixed Inserting image is always added to the top instead of the cursor position.
Updated Jan 6, 2021
- Fixed Cannot apply an option from the dropdown.
- Fixed Image alignment does not work as expected.
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null.
- Fixed additional scrollbar appears if the editor height is less than 600px.
- Fixed method stopped working in V3.2.1.
- Fixed Method events.focus() does not work.
- Fixed The editor scrolls down if contains a lot of content.
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null.
- Fixed Focus and Blur events not working properly while using multiple editors in the same page.
Updated Dec 15, 2020
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'row' of undefined.
- Fixed The imageDefaultMargin gets ignored.
- Fixed Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined.
- Fixed Error when style tag includes comments on Apple macOS.
- Fixed Method events.focus() does not work.
- Fixed toolbarButtons are not responsive to the window size.
- Fixed When font_awesome_5 is used, some font awesome icons are not visible.
- Fixed Quick insert icon is partially truncated.
- Fixed Tab can't move the text inside br tags (v3).
- Fixed Entering hit Froala does not scrolls down to the view port.
- Fixed toolbar.esc' event doesn't trigger before hiding the toolbar on pressing Esc key.
- Fixed contentChanged event is triggered before binding is updated.
- Fixed Google Chrome and Tribute.js: Can't make a selection with arrows/enter inside the table.
- Fixed PastePlain option doesn't work when content form the website is pasted.
- Fixed JavaScript error on copy-paste styled list in Microsoft IE.
- Fixed File Manager popup appears automatically.
- Fixed The editor scrolls down if contains a lot of content.
- Fixed method stopped working.
- Fixed Uncaught ReferenceError: replace is not defined.
Updated Dec 9, 2020
- Fixed Line Breaker is not showing the break icon on the bottom side of the table when hovering.
- Fixed Quick insert option is not working in normal screen mode.
- Fixed Yii Framework - Paragraph format UI is different from other framework/froala editor.
Updated Oct 30, 2020
- Fixed XSS Vulnerability in WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
- Fixed method stopped working in 3.2.1.
- Fixed popups.setContainer() , throws error if custom container is used.
- Fixed Disabling bold and italic makes already inserted content unformatted.
- Fixed Triple click selection inside the table in Chrome Browser.
- Fixed the ng-model as it was not work properly with ng-required directive.
- Fixed removing the link also removes the title.
- Fixed In case of table inside the table, user can't select bolded text.
- Fix for New div tags get created on Enter click if the cursor is inside the div element.
- Fix for Links and input fields are editable even if contenteditable attr is set to false.
- Fix for The preformatted text ( tag) loses its formatting if it's pasted together with other content.
- Fix for Delete key stopped working if the enter option is defined as enter.
- Fix for reported XSS vulnerability in Froala Editor.
- Fixed, Froala_editor.css in case of any broken applications.
- Fixed, after deleting the last character, text styling is lost.
Updated Sep 12, 2020
- Fixed Security issue: XSS via pasted content.
- Fixed Inputs on popups on mobile is not working.
- Fixed User cannot change the type of the nested list item.
- Fixed Aurelia plugin issues.
- Fixed editor load issue in Safari.
- Fixed backward slash urls issue.
- Fixed DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin...from accessing a cross-domain frame.
- Fixed SecurityError: Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin object.
- Fixed Problem with one of the polyfill in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed Froala formats more than the selected text in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 in iframe mode.
- Fixed Dropdown Selection Scrolls to top of Page in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed issue when inserting an image from image manager it loses data-* attributes.
- Fixed to show both Height and width in the change size pop-up when uploaded new image.
Updated Aug 5, 2020
- Back button is missing in image replacement option.
- Shadow is not applied to inserted image.
- Can't type text after adding image.
- After setting image to display inline, user is not able to type text, only way is to press escape key.
- Can't format more than one image caption.
- Image.replaced event is not getting triggered when image is being replaced using 'Upload Image' and 'By URL' option.
- ImageBack and videoBack buttons are not showing in 'Insert Image' and 'Insert Video' toolbar option.
- If imageResizeWithPercent is enabled, user can't insert/edit image captions.
- Initialized fired before HTML is ready.
- Two Froalas on same page with same options but second Froala doesn't update froalaModel (Angular, Vue, React).
- Automatically adding extra period after typing out email address.
- Inserting link fails when linkText is set to false.
- Pasting content with image between Froala windows drops whitespace in content.
- Editor buttons disabled while dragging a image between table cells.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11: Missing buttons in image manager.
- Cursor doesn't retain its position when using a inline class feature.
- Delete key does not work for images.
- Removing caption from an image, removes link as well.
- Can't select the image that contains the caption and the link.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'.
- YouTube should only suggest videos from the same channel.
Updated Jul 21, 2020
- Advanced Image and File Manager
- Improved file upload system is capable of handling multiple images, video uploads, folders, and more.
- Upload multiple images and videos at once thus saving a lot of time from doing repeat tasks.
- Manage all files (images and videos) in one place.
- Adds ability to perform the following actions under a single window before inserting them to the editor.
- Browse and Upload Files
- View Files
- Edit Files
- New seamless integrations, implemented and improved for:
- Ext JS.
- Symphony.
- Cake PHP.
- Knockout.
- Ember.
- Django.
- Meteor.
- Yii.
- Vue.
- Angular React.
- JS Rails.
- Editor SDKs updated to work with the latest versions of the following development environments:
- Rails SDK.
- Node JS SDK.
- Python SDK.
- Java SDK.
- .Net SDK.
Updated Feb 23, 2020
- Numerous performance improvements
- Fullscreen bug fixed
- FontFamily/fontSize output fixed
Updated Jan 13, 2020
- Improved pasting when copying from Microsoft Word
- Improved formatting for bold styling
- Improved German and French translation
- Fixed ordered list display
- Fixed autosave function in special conditions
- Fixed line height selection
- Fixed freezes UI while performing video insertion by URL or upload
- Fixed image captions with Korean characters in IE11
- Fixed JS error on removing a list when paragraph format button is not available
- Fixed disappearing if ENTER_BR is set for the enter option
- Fixed line breaks in the image caption of an image inside list
- Fixed uploading images via dropping image in the editor window in IE11
- Fixed some malfunctions for <input> tag elements
- Fixed "Special Characters" button on mobile devices
- Fixed inserted links with "Open in new tab" option
- Fixed issue with uploading a new image to a Froala Editor that initialized on an image
- Fixed zero width spaces when no text is selected
- Fixed missed embedded video content after re-initialization
- Fixed striping already applied attributes in inline style
- Fixed issue with inserted lines from the editor is shown in one page per line when PDF is downloaded
- Fixed previously added images in the editor on mobile will not let you select them
- Fixed issue when backspace deletes an extra empty space
- Fixed 'template' custom HTML tag usage
- Fixed paragraph format display after pasting content from Microsoft Word
- Fixed error with selection.isFull() method
- Fixed calls for 'codeView.update' event in special conditions
- Fixed displaying custom URI without slashes
- Fixed 'disableRightClick' option
- Fixed table options popup display if text is wrapped under <b><u><i>etc tag
- Fixed character count update when froala.html.set() called
- Fixed 'toolbarButtons' option to be responsive to editor size, not viewport size as it was
- Fixed JS error when navigating dropdown menu with arrow keys
- Fixed problem with nested contenteditable element and backspace
- Fixed 'imageManagerLoadMethod' option usage with 'POST' value
- Fixed situation when contenteditable="false" elements are editable by drag&drop
- Fixed 'Open Link' button behavior in IE11
Updated Oct 4, 2019
- Added Support for Rails 6
- Improved French translation
- Fixed switching to code view fails when html contains style tag
- Fixed <hr> tag disappears when dragging an image
- Fixed cursor not displayed on either side of an image
- Fixed copy&paste images from Google Docs and other sources
- Fixed placeholder is not destroyed on calling editor.destroy
- Fixed placeholder text is not aligned with the cursor in inline mode
- Fixed Froala Pages support
Updated Aug 16, 2019
- Fixed long placeholder text wraps outside bounds of editor on narrow screen
- Fixed JS error when using backspace in a list
- Fixed removing bold/italics/underlined etc. from one word removes it from all words after it
- Fixed text color is lost after changing it
- Fixed edit area loses focus when clicking toolbar buttons
- Fixed Enter/Return key wrong behavior
- Fixed Copy/Paste from LibOffice to Froala breaks level 2 unordered list
- Fixed nest list not working as expected on Ie
- Fixed cursor in the wrong spot after inserting a horizontal line
- Fixed Froala Copy/Paste from itself lost some styles
- Improved Japanese translation
Updated Jul 31, 2019
- Fixed body position in case of quick insert.
- Fixed saving call multipart/form-data.
- Improved toolbar with customization.
- Added Royal theme.
- Improved multiple styles use in element creation.
- Improved editor selection.
- Fixed overflow cursor with iframe.
- Corrected emoticons missed icons.
- Improved Embedly integration with Froala.
- Fixed vertical separators between toolbar icons.
- Improved table selection with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
- Improved error handling.
Updated Jul 15, 2019
- Improved indentation of lists.
- Fixed uncaught errors.
- Removed focusable on svg icons.
- Fixed spacing between label and hotkeys.
- Improved event mechanism.
Updated Jul 5, 2019
- Provided option for disable the editing with contenteditable=false.
- Fixed critical error [Uncaught TypeError] of undefined property.
- Improved translation for Chinese.
- Improved formatting for Firefox.
Updated Jun 28, 2019
- Fixed editor crashes on paste of list from MS Word
- Dragging images creates new row in Edge
- Fixed duplicating icons on enter
- Fixed line-height on table cells
- Spaces break image captions in Firefox
- Improved cursor position
- Fixed selection of multiple cells in table
- Improved copy paste in edge browser
- Fixed loss of formatting on bulleted list
- Fixed scrollbar issue on word paste
- Improved element deletion on backspace, delete and ctrl+backspace
- Improved listing copy paste from word
- Fixed $ truncation on selection of color
- Improved table popup for cells
- Improved code view presentation
- Added rel attribute
- Popup does not disappear after inserting video. (safari)
- Creating Empty div with inline style and inserting one br tag
- Fixed Infinite upload when pasting larger image
- Fixed Problems deleting after selecting all
- Improved list ordering
- Improved pasting of tables using html.insert()
- Improved popup with iframe
- Fixed allowed editing on contenteditable="false"
- Improved line breaker between table and image
- Fixed Slovak, Czech & Russian translations
- Improved indentation on list
- Fixed freezing editor when specific table cell selection
Updated Jun 13, 2019
Updated Jun 6, 2019
- Hotfixes synced with 2.9.5
- Fixed custom dropdown open issue in Firefox
- Fixed paragraph dropdown was not hiding after selection
- Fixed console error while resizing the window
Updated May 28, 2019
- Create plugins.pkgd.css file to Froala plugins styles only.
- Pressing ENTER inside the editor should add a new line.
- Prevented XSS script execution from embeded url.
- Can't remove color from text since 2.9.x update.
- Froala can enclose block elements like table inside span when using ENTER_BR.
- Clear formatting removes links inconsistently.
- Youtube embeds ignore start time parameter.
- IE 11 Toolbar is not updating for first paragraph.
- Spaces was deleted for htmlUntouched option.
- Editor was scrolling up when hovering a dropdown in IE browser.
- Typing in Korean was not working correctly for image captions in IE.
- Hitting Escape on edit link popup should not throw error.
- Esc on edit link popup in Froala editor is giving an error.
- Problem with restoring selection when restoring snapshot.
- Color popups in minimized browser view.
- Fixed emoticons problem in IE.
- The second toolbar disappears in certain actions.
- Improved popup and toolbar position.
- Fixed editor instance lives inside a LI tag from duplicating.
- CMD-K shortcut adds a new text with a link.
- Blur event triggered when clicking on dropdown menu items IE 11.
- Pasting plaintext with line breaks removes line break.
- The link is not deleted when deleting with the "backspace" key.
- Fixed color picker error for table cells.
- Prevent editing while contenteditable is set to false.
- Fixed video.removed event fires twice for one remove.
- Fixed empty string issue on paste.before|afterCleanup.
- When pasting the cursor moves to the beginning of the pasted content.
- Fixed popup issue regarding videoUpload.
- Copied content is inserted into the editor in disabled mode.
- Cannot insert text after an image with caption in inline editor.
- Video Link Error has no popup feedback.
- Image size is not set when a caption is present.
Updated May 23, 2019
- Update Froala_editor.pkgd.min.js file to include only Froala plugins, without third party integrations.
- Create plugins.pkdg.min.js file to include Froala Editor plugins only.
- Enhancements
- Update toolbar spacings on mobile devices.
- Improve spacing for Font Awesome plugin icons.
- Spacing for the align dropdown icons.
- Fullscreen has rounded corners.
- CSS error in IE.
- Link shortcuts insert links in the wrong place.
- Using ENTER_BR mode throws an error when using the quick insert tool.
- Save requests are sent in a wrong format.
- Fullscreen height is not updated when toggling the second toolbar.
- Dropdowns scroll is cut on Chrome / MacOS.
- Table popups are positioned incorrectly.
- Using Font Awesome 5 plugins for toolbar makes the icons very large.
- Image manager buttons have an incorrect size depending on the website CSS rules.
- Dropdowns are not closing all the time when using the inline toolbar.
Updated May 15, 2019
- Remove jQuery.
- Update the UI.
- Add custom made SVG icons.
- Introduce smart toolbar.
- Introduce tabs to the emoticons plugin.
- Redesign Font Awesome from modal to popup.
- Redesign Special Characters from modal to popup.
- Split the colors button to separate text and background buttons.
- Add separate buttons for the align options.
- Move edit in popup feature to a separate plugin.