Handsontable 14.6.0

Released: Oct 1, 2024

Mises à jour de 14.6.0


  • Easier styling of odd and even rows - This release adds even (ht__row_even) and odd (ht__row_odd) class names to table row (TR) elements, making it easier to style your tables. This is especially useful when your data tables are meant for reading and analyzing data rather than editing, like a traditional spreadsheet.
  • Improved Undo/Redo in the Filters plugin - Handsontable 14.6.0 enhances the undo/redo functionality for filtering by extending the beforeFilter hook with a second argument, previousConditionStack. This new argument contains the filter conditions from before the new filters were applied. As a result, the undoRedo plugin can now properly record changes to filters in your data grid and undo/redo them accurately - addressing issues that previously occurred in some cases.
  • New API for row and column indexes - The new API methods will help you manage visible, partially visible, and rendered row and column indices. These methods, such as getFirstRenderedVisibleRow() and getLastFullyVisibleColumn(), give you a clearer view of what is currently displayed in your table.
    • Renderable indexes: Correspond to rows or columns currently visible in the table viewport, including extra rows or columns rendered beyond the visible area, forming a buffer (a technique called virtual rendering). Methods include:
      • getFirstRenderedVisibleRow()
      • getLastRenderedVisibleRow()
      • getFirstRenderedVisibleColumn()
      • getLastRenderedVisibleColumn()
    • Fully visible indexes: Correspond to rows or columns that are fully visible within the table viewport. Methods include:
      • getFirstFullyVisibleRow()
      • getLastFullyVisibleRow()
      • getFirstFullyVisibleColumn()
      • getLastFullyVisibleColumn()
    • Partially visible indexes: Correspond to rows or columns that are at least partially visible within the table viewport. Methods include:
      • getFirstPartiallyVisibleRow()
      • getLastPartiallyVisibleRow()
      • getFirstPartiallyVisibleColumn()
      • getLastPartiallyVisibleColumn()
  • Corrected aria-label, aria-checked, and menuitemcheckbox roles for the read-only and alignment options in the context menu.
  • Improved focus visibility for cells with the select type.


  • Fixed an issue where copying values from cell comments didn't work.
  • Fixed submenu alignment issues after horizontal scrolling.
  • Fixed row misalignment caused by cells with fractional heights.
  • Fixed dropdown menu misalignment when opened via keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed a bug where data was saved in the wrong cell after sorting a column with an open editor.
  • Resolved copy/paste/cut issues when the outsideClickDeselects option was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where merged cells broke after adding a new row.
  • Fixed the F2 keyboard shortcut for entering editing mode.
  • Fixed context and dropdown menu column widths, ensuring they adapt to their content.
  • Updated TypeScript typings for the selectCell method.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting content from selections containing both checkbox and non-checkbox cells didn't work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the context menu container size didn't adjust to its content.
  • Resolved an error that occurred with some keyboard shortcuts.