Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard

Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard is a .NET Standard library that generates barcode images for any .NET Project including ASP.NET (Legacy & Core), .NET Framework, .NET CORE, Xamarin, Mono & UWP. After specifying a Value to encode, choosing a Barcode Symbology, and setting some simple properties, Barcode Professional will render the barcode image in the specified image format like JPEG/JPG, PNG, PCX, SVG, EPS, PDF and more. Barcode Professional supports most popular Linear (1D), Postal, Component Composite & 2D Barcodes.

Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard Features

  • .NET Cross Platform Support - Barcode Professional SDK was built as a .NET Standard Library which allows it to be used in any project targeting .NET Framework, .NET CORE, Legacy ASP.NET MVC & CORE, Xamarin, Mono & Universal Windows Platform (UWP) platforms. Barcode images can be saved to Files and IO Streams.
  • Full ASP.NET CORE Support - Barcode Professional makes easy to render barcode images on MVC Views through a single line of...

Dernières nouvelles

Neodynamic Barcode Professional mis à jour
Neodynamic Barcode Professional mis à jour
February 28, 2023Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge les codes-barres FDA de numéro de remboursement du système de santé national (NHRN) pour les États-Unis.
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V6.0
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V6.0
April 7, 2022Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge les codes-barres VIN Code39, QRCode et DataMatrix.
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.22.205
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.22.205
February 9, 2022Nouvelle Version
Améliore l’encodage automatique du QR code pour utiliser la plus petite taille de symbole.
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1122
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1122
November 30, 2021Nouvelle Version
Améliore l'affichage de textes lisibles à l'oeil de type "ISBT-128".
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1109
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1109
November 12, 2021Nouvelle Version
Ajoute la propriété "QuietZone" qui remplace "QuietZoneWidth", "TopMargin" et "BottomMargin".
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1020
Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard V5.0.21.1020
October 29, 2021Nouvelle Version
Améliore le codage de compactage de texte PDF417 et met à jour la prise en charge des IA basées sur GS1 General Specification v21.

Prix à partir de : $ 352.70

One software license is required per developer. You may install and use the software on any number of computers. A Developer License allows royalty-free deployment of any number of applications...

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En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Neodynamic.
Component Type
  • .NET Core

Prix récents
