Add drill down reports to SharePoint

Released: Jul 11, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in 2011.1

  • Parameters and drill down reports - This exciting new feature allows for the development of interactive dashboards and drill down reports. Parameters can be consumed from any expression, they can be passed as arguments to the newly added JumpToReport action. Parameters can also be directly integrated into any SharePoint page.
  • SharePoint List and WebPartTable data sources connection - The Chart/Gauge Web Part has the ability to connect to SharePoint List and WebPartTable data sources that reside in a StaticSite (fixed site), CurrentSite (dynamic site) and CurrentWeb (dynamic web). The site resolution mode allows you to develop web parts templates that can be directly deployed to production environments without the need to refactor the data source connection.
  • WebParts Config File - The new Web Parts Config File provides the ability to globally (per site-server) configure some user interface elements visibility and some aspects of the web parts behavior through a configuration file. This allows you to fine tune the web parts to perform better and more reliably in the context of your SharePoint environment.
  • Charts/Gauges are now using deferred rendering - This allows for the instant showing of very complex SharePoint pages as the Nevron Chart/Gauge Web Part will defer the data aggregation and rendering tasks in separate AJAX requests to the server. This allows for faster data processing that fully utilizes your server capabilities, as separate AJAX requests can be handled by different threads of your server. It also helps the user to actually see what is currently being processed, opposed to the immediate rendering mode in which the SharePoint page gets served to the client after all web parts have aggregated the data and rendered the respective visual representation.
  • Automatic Refresh - The Chart/Gauge Web Part can now be instructed to automatically refresh itself at the client side, at user specified intervals of time. This allows for the development of real time dashboards that automatically update themselves at the client side through AJAX, and eliminates the need for manual web page refresh.
  • Web Part Designer - The Chart/Gauge designer now show the current user, site and web and other info about the context of which they are performing the web part editing.
  • Image Fill Style - A new Image Fill Style has been added to all Fill Style editors. This feature allows you to display image based textures on all chart elements that have an associated fill style.
  • Connection to Custom Web Parts - Provides the ability to connect the Chart/Gauge web part to other web parts that implement the IWebPartTable interface. This allows you to develop custom web parts that surface any type of data, that cannot be accessed by the currently available data source connections.
  • Performance Improvements - The Chart/Gauge control document building and rendering has been completely revised. As a result you should see significant speed improvement.
  • Non-Overlapping Data Labels - All charting types (Cartesian, Polar and Radar charts) now support automatic data label layout. The data label layout prevents labels from overlapping in both ordinal and scatter charts and works in 2D and 3D appearance modes.
  • Const Lines and Const Ranges with texts - The Chart axes have been extended to support const lines with texts as well as const ranges.
  • Axis Orientation - All Cartesian axes now support the axis orientation feature.
  • XML formatted texts - The XML formatted texts feature is extended to support additional XML tags that allows you to specify the text background and border.
  • Line and Point Charts data resampling - The Line and Point charting types support options for automatic data resampling. This allows for the visualization of very large datasets.
  • Chart Legends Improvements - The legends have additional layout options - added are the Horizontal and Vertical wrap options that allow the legend to automatically wrap the items when the horizontal or vertical space allocated for it is exceeded.
  • Chart Aspect in 2D - Chart areas have additional options that allow finer control over the chart aspect in 2D.
  • Additional Features - The Area, Line, Pie, Error Bar, Step Line, Point and Surface charting types have additional features.
  • New Chart/Gauge Examples - Several new Chart examples have been included with the new version.