Rebex Security R5.2

Released: May 9, 2021

Mises à jour de R5.2


  • Cryptography: Added ChaCha20Poly1305 class that implements ChaCha20/Poly1305 with an API that resembles Microsoft .NET's AesGcm class.
  • Cryptography: Added support for loading ECDSA certificates from PFX/P12 files in Microsoft .NET 5.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 on Linux and Apple macOS.
  • Cryptography: Added support for saving to PFX/P12 files for certificates with temporarily associated private keys in .NET 5.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 on Linux and macOS.
  • Cryptography: Improved ChaCha20/Poly1305 performance on .NET 3.5-4.6 and .NET Standard 2.x.
  • Cryptography: Improved performance of AES/CTR ciphers (used in SSH).
  • Common: Improved error handling when raising events via synchronization context.


  • Cryptography: AVX2 implementation of ChaCha20 releases old pre-generated keystream immediately after reinitialization.
  • Cryptography: Clearing output data in AesGcm class when authentication tag is invalid.
  • Cryptography: Fixed parsing of Cryptographic Message Syntax envelopes with unsuppoted OIDs.