SharePoint AD Management Pack - 1 Non-Production Server License

Quantité :
Caractéristiques :

Prix à l'unité : $ 1,401.40Notre Référence #: CS-540986-1237965

SharePoint AD Management Pack - Non -Production

1 Non-Production Server License

Livraison :

After placing your order, you will be contacted by our sales team for your SharePoint Server ID. This information is used to generate your license. Licenses are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Envoi par e-mail :

  • Download instructions and license key for SharePoint AD Management Pack
Info sur la licence :

Each WFE (Web Front End Server) will require a Server License. Server Licenses do NOT limit the number of end-users.

Toutes les ventes sont sujettes à nos Termes et Conditions standard à notre Politique de renvoi.