Unlimited integrations, plus unlimited automations.

Unlimited integrations, plus unlimited automations.
  • Connect your entire tech stack via ThinkAutomation.
  • Fast, easy integrations into thousands of systems.
  • End to end process automation via a drag and drop GUI.
  • Coverage for any scale and volume under a single licence.
  • Build simple or complex automations to act on data and handle processes.
  • Bridge any server, any local application, any cloud service, any custom software, any legacy tool, any network folder.
  • Infinite extensibility to read and process messages across sources and endpoints.
  • Inbound message parsing from IMAP, POP3, RSS and more.
  • 24/7 monitoring of connected systems, with new data pulled and processed every minute.
  • Subsequent actions conditionally executed in split seconds, across any system (or chain of systems.