Antenna House - Meilleures vendus
Formatage rapide de documents, données et formulaires XML/XSL-FO.
- Support des principales langues Unicode, y compris latin, cyrillique, grec, japonais, chinois, coréen, arabe, hébreu et thaïlandais
- Fichiers PDF haute qualité conservant les informations vectorielles
Un système de comparaison visuelle PDF vers PDF automatisé, rapide et évolutif.
- Testez des publications, graphiques, documents et presque tout PDF paginé
- Compare la sortie visuelle – ne dépend pas du code sous-jacent
- Génère des rapports pertinents pointant les différences entre les PDF
Code HTML et XML prêts à l'impression et PDF avec CSS ou XSL-FO.
- NOUVEAU - Mise en page avec les feuilles de style CSS
- Prise en charge de la césure pour plus de 50 langues, y compris les langues orientales
- Inclut les moteurs de rendu standard SVG et MathML standard
Code HTML et XML prêts à l'impression et PDF avec CSS ou XSL-FO.
- NOUVEAU - Mise en page avec les feuilles de style CSS
- Prise en charge de la césure pour plus de 50 langues, y compris les langues orientales
- Inclut les moteurs de rendu standard SVG et MathML standard
Formatage rapide de documents, données et formulaires XML/XSL-FO.
- Support des principales langues Unicode, y compris latin, cyrillique, grec, japonais, chinois, coréen, arabe, hébreu et thaïlandais
- Fichiers PDF haute qualité conservant les informations vectorielles
Description :
Format XML/XSL-FO documents/data/forms at high speed. AH XSL Formatter is one of the most powerful XSL-FO processors in the documentation industry. Users can publish high quality PDF and print documents from XML, DITA, or S1000D. It comes with a wide ...
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Description :
Format XML/XSL-FO documents/data/forms at high speed. AH XSL Formatter is one of the most powerful and advanced XSL-FO processors available. Users can publish high quality PDF and print documents from XML, DITA, or S1000D. It comes with a wide variety of ...
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Description :
Format documents for print and PDF using CSS or XSL-FO. Antenna House Formatter features both XSL and CSS functionality for formatting PDF or print documents. With AH Formatter, users can now select the stylesheet language and content strategy that best ...
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Description :
Create web pages in Microsoft Word. HTML on Word is a tool that converts DOCX format files, which have been edited and saved in Microsoft Word, into simple and easy-to-edit HTML. You can easily create a web page from a document created in familiar format ...
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Description :
Automated, fast and accurate testing of paged PDF output. Antenna House Regression Testing System (AHRTS) is an automated system for testing publications, graphics, business documents and virtually any paged PDF output from any software. It compares the ...
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Description :
Format documents for print and PDF using CSS or XSL-FO. Antenna House Formatter features both XSL and CSS functionality for formatting PDF or print documents. With AH Formatter, users can now select the stylesheet language and content strategy that best ...
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Description :
Format XML/CSS documents/data/forms at high speed. AH CSS Formatter builds on the strengths of the CSS3 specification and has the capability to transform XML or HTML into properly formatted PDF documents with CSS stylesheets. Just like AH XSL Formatter, ...
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Description :
Add additional formatting functionality to AH Formatter. AH Formatter Options (Add-on) products give you access to a wide variety of formatting options such as SVG Output, PANTONE color conversion into RGB or CMYK automatically and MathML drawing ...
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Description :
Convert PDFs to XML. Antenna House PDFXML Conversion Library allows you to unlock the content from your legacy PDFs. If you want to reuse content from old PDFs, you no longer need to retype or go through the trouble of reconstructing your documents’ ...
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Description :
Edit, convert, and manage PDFs from the command line. Antenna House PDF API is a comprehensive solution for developers integrating PDF processing capabilities into their applications and web services. It goes beyond basic editing and processing, offering ...
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