Rebex Total Pack 2016 R2.2

Relaxed SOAP XML check in Secure Mail EWS component to allow ASCII control characters.
Agosto 26, 2016
Nuova versione


  • Mail: CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 are no longer preferred authentication methods on secure connections.
  • Mail: Added workaround for some broken multipart/related entities.
  • EWS: Optimized response logging in Ews class.
  • EWS: Added EwsItemMetadata.Subject property to make it possible to change subject of an item using Ews.UpdateItem method.
  • EWS: Added EwsMessageMetadata class to improve the usability of Ews.UpdateItem method. Deprecated EwsItemMetadata.IsRead property and moved to EwsMessageMetadata.
  • EWS: Relaxed SOAP XML check to allow ASCII control characters.
  • SSH: Enhanced handling of errors in FingerprintCheck event handlers.
  • Cryptography: Added CheckCertificate/GetIssuingDistributionPoint methods to CertificateRevocationList class and ValidateRevocationList method to Certificate class.
  • Cryptography: Added support for certificates with private keys stored in CNG Key Storage Providers.
  • Cryptography: Enhanced SHA-2 support check on .NET Compact Framework.


  • File Server: Fixed FileUploaded/FileDownloaded events that used to be wrongly called on session failure.
  • ZIP: Fixed a bug in LZ77 window handling in Enhanced Deflate decompression routine. This might have caused errors in rare scenarios.
  • SSL: Fixed a rare issue in abbreviated TLS/SSL negotiation handling.
  • Cryptography: Fixed SHA-2 support in AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm.SignHash on Windows Server 2008 (and possibly other old platforms).
  • Core: Added workaround for broken FileStream.SetLength on some .NET Compact Framework platforms.
Rebex Total Pack

Rebex Total Pack

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