Infragistics Windows Forms 16.2

Nuovo OfficeNavBar è un controllo di peek e navigazione che offre un'esperienza utente simile a Microsoft Office
Ottobre 25, 2016
Nuova versione


  • WinOfficeNavBar - Provides a simplistic way to navigate between views, while offering a means to quickly access a minimalistic subset of a view within a popup window called the peek window.
  • WinColorPalette, WinColorPicker, and WinPaletteInfo - The color selecting experience has been redesigned to provide a modern UI allowing you to have any color you like.
  • WinZoomPanel - New control container which allows the user to zoom into its contents and then to scroll through the zoomed contents. This makes your UI more accessible by letting the user determine the preferred size of your controls for optimal interaction.
Office NavBar added to Infragistics Windows Forms.

Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms

Una suite con oltre 100 controlli dell'interfaccia utente di Windows Form che consente di costruire rapidamente interfacce utente personalizzabili che offrono esperienze eccezionali.

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