PhpStorm 2016.3

Aggiunge il supporto per il framework di test di PHPSpec e per Docker in interpreti remoti.
Novembre 24, 2016
Nuova versione


  • Tools and Frameworks: Support of Docker in Remote Interpreters, PHPSpec test framework, auto-detection and configuration of PHPUnit, Behat, and PHPSpec from composer.json, ability to open multiple projects in one frame, and support of Codeigniter Code Style.
  • New editing experience: Semantic highlighting for variables and parameters, completion of overridden methods and fields without function and var keyword, and improved support of PSR-0/PSR-4.
  • Code quality analysis: Project-wide PHP 7 strict types, new naming convention inspections, and improved Runtime Error Prevention.


Un IDE PHP con refactoring, completamento del codice, analisi del codice in tempo reale e orientamento di produttività di codifica.

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