MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript 2.8

Migliora i collegamenti diagramma e aggiunge supporto per lo stile di programmazione fluente.
Dicembre 5, 2016
Nuova versione


  • Fluent API - Builder objects that inlcude property setters and shortcut methods for font and brush creation, add support for fluent programming style.
  • DiagramLink Improvements
    • HeadStroke, HeadStrokeThickness and HeadStrokeDashStyle properties let you customize arrowhead strokes independently of line segments strokes.
    • The AllowSelfLoops property of Diagram class controls whether users are allowed to draw self-loop links.
    • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.
  • Miscellaneous
    • TextAlignment and LineAlignment properties have moved from ShapeNode to DiagramItem; you can now use them to set alignment for table and container captions.
    • Let users resize grid rows and columns interactively.
    • IconSize and DefaultNodeSize properties of NodeListView can be set to null, in which case the control will use the sizes stored in node.Bounds.
    • Implemented backward compatibility for XML files as old as v13 format.
    • The control now supports cyclic attachments where moving any of the attached nodes will move all other nodes in the cycle.
    • Shape.RoundRect corner arcs keep constant radius and no longer deform when the node size changes to non-rectangular.
    • itemAdded and itemRemoved events raised when an item is added or removed, either from code or interactively.
MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript

MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript

Aggiungi diagrammi indipendenti dalla piattaforoma alla tua applicazione.

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