DevExtreme 16.2.5

Aggiunge il supporto per Visual Studio 2017.
Marzo 8, 2017
Nuova versione


  • Adds support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.


Data Grid

  • Documentation - setCellValue - The rowData parameter contains a confusing description.
  • dxDataGrid - Custom Toolbar Items are misaligned vertically.
  • DxDataGrid - DateTime's time component is different when a date is selected from the popup and when it is manually inputted in form editing mode.
  • dxDataGrid - Export - The "Uncaught TypeError: e.toLowerCase is not a function" error is thrown if formatting is specified via a custom function.
  • dxDataGrid - Focused editors are automatically validated after pressing the 'Add New Row' button in form edit mode.
  • dxDataGrid - It is impossible to save data if there is column validation and a column is hidden when editing mode is "form".
  • dxDataGrid - Search Panel cannot be toggled dynamically without repainting.
  • dxDataGrid - The "Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to resize the grid during data loading.
  • dxDataGrid - The collapseAll method duplicates rows when using "virtual" scrolling.
  • dxDataGrid - The grid cell validation message overlaps the lookup drop-down list.
  • dxDataGrid - The onToolbarPreparing event handler is not called when the repaint method is called.
  • dxDataGrid - The position of columns' horizontal scrollbar is changed on virtual scrolling if several columns are fixed.
  • dxDataGrid - Values returned by the calculateGroupValue event handler are displayed in the Header Filter popup and filtering by them does not work.
  • dxDataGrid - А clicked cell does not get focus under certain conditions if the Cell editing mode is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid does not allow changing the group order at runtime.
  • dxDataGrid does not calculate the FreeSpace row height properly under certain conditions.
  • dxDataGrid does not focus a cell in a newly added row under certain conditions when the Cell editing mode is enabled in Chrome and Opera.
  • dxDataGrid does not show row lines for each row if "infinite" scrolling is used.
  • dxDataGrid is flickering when rows are sorted on iOS in a mobile app.
  • dxDataGrid loses its horizontal scrollbar position after an update.
  • dxDataGrid sets incorrect column widths for columns during export under certain conditions.
  • The JsRender template engine does not work.

Data Visualization

  • A selection style still stays on a point after being deselected if the selectionMode option is set to allArgumentPoints.
  • dxChart - The "Error: <path> attribute d: Expected number" error occurs on an attempt to hide a series element.
  • dxChart - Tooltip styles are lost after routing is performed in an SPA application.
  • dxChart throws many "<path> attribute d: Expected number" errors when bound to dxPivotGrid.
  • dxRangeSelector - The selectedRange option warning occurs even when selectedRange is not used.
  • It is impossible to set the tooltip container in the dxChart configuration object using a jQuery selector when the chart is placed in a dxView.

DevExtreme Core

  • A multichannel application uses the $(window).unload callback, which is currently deprecated.
  • An incorrect request is sent to the OData 4 service when the Select All check box is selected.
  • Documentation - The device.version help topic doesn't contain an example of the option structure.
  • dxDateBox - Setting valueChangeEvent to 'keyup', 'keypress', or 'keydown' results in erratic keyboard behavior.
  • dxScrollView doesn't have the 'display: block' style and scrolling doesn't work in Angular.
  • dxSelectBox - onValueChanged is not raised in mobile browsers (and/or in the Chrome mobile mode).
  • The "msSurface" value passed to the DevExpress.devices.current method does not have any effect on the desktop.
  • The SlideOut menu item is not selected when the HtmlApplication.navigate method is called with the root option.

DevExtreme Demos

  • dxPieChart documentation - The palette option is missing in the "interactive configuration" section.
  • The DevAV demo - The browser Back button does not work.

DevExtreme Tools

  • MVC Wrappers - The Value option doesn't support nullable Model fields.
  • MVC Wrappers - .Net Core project templates do not work in VS2017 RC.
  • MVC wrappers - dxScheduler's recurrent event editing form shows an incorrect day order when the FirstDayOfWeek option is set.
  • MVC Wrappers - It's impossible to set up bindings in templates in VB.NET.
  • The dataSourceObservable variable is not returned as a view model field in a Multi-Channel TypeScript project.
  • The package icons path is invalid when PhoneGap cli-6.5.0 is used.
  • The View Designer does not display any view content in a Cordova App project.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid - Chart Integration - dxChart is redrawn on virtual scrolling.
  • dxPivotGrid does not align numeric values properly in the exported file.
  • dxPivotGrid does not display "No data" text if it has fields specified but there are no records in its data source.
  • The Pivot Field Chooser does not scroll the area field content when dragging a header.


  • dxScheduler - The Date Navigator caption format is incorrect when the current view is Agenda and agendaDuration is set to 1.
  • dxScheduler - The End date of a multi-day appointment cannot be set correctly with the drag-and-drop operation.

UI Widgets

  • Calling DevExpress.ui.dialog.custom(dialogOptions) with the "buttons" property set raises a deprecated warning.
  • Documentation dxFileUploader - The note in the allowCanceling option description contains incorrect information.
  • dxContextMenu - Incorrect position of the menu after updating to 16.2.3.
  • dxDataGrid - A header filter for a date column doesn't display values if the grid is filtered by one of the columns.
  • dxDataGrid - Mouse cursor and scroll bar slider become misaligned when scrolling data.
  • dxDateBox - A clock hour hand never stops after long pressing of a clock button.
  • dxDateBox allows selection of dates past the maximum date if rollers are used.
  • dxForm - Scope values are not updated after updating editors' values if the two-way binding approach is used for formData.
  • dxForm - The first item has incorrect alignment if an adjacent item is not visible.
  • dxForm - The formData option doesn't contain updated values if it was changed using the option method.
  • dxForm is not correctly rendered inside dxPopup in IE and Edge.
  • dxMap - After being updated multiple times, routes and markers are not drawn.
  • dxMenu - A sub menu of an item is not shown on hover until the item is clicked for the first time in an AngularJS app.
  • dxMenu - A submenu opens and immediately closes when the mouse hovers over the menu item with no submenu.
  • dxOverlay-based widgets - A popup window is truncated if width is set to a container.
  • dxPopup - It is impossible to select text inside a popup content.
  • dxPopup - Toolbar items are completely removed on an attempt to disable them in AngularJS.
  • dxSelectBox - A disabled item can be selected via the keyboard when a drop-down list is hidden.
  • dxSelectBox - It's impossible to reset a value if acceptCustomValue and fieldTemplate are enabled.
  • dxSelectBox - It's impossible to select another item if searchEnabled is true on iOS.
  • dxSelectBox - The value specified in inputAttr completely replaces the existing attribute value.
  • dxTabPanel displays the "Item '[object Object]' you are trying to select does not exist" warning when the dataSource or items option is changed at runtime.
  • dxTagBox shows typed items incorrectly.
  • dxTagBox tries to load all data when it is in search mode.
  • dxTextBox text is not reset if its mask is reset.
  • dxTextBox -The content text in the text box is barely visible if the disabled property is set to true.
  • The "Cannot read property 'key' of undefined" error occurs when selecting a dxList item if a data source is grouped and filtered.
  • The dxFileUploader "Select File" button does not invoke the File Chooser dialog in IE 10.
  • The dxTreeView itemExpanded event is not fired if handled using the "on" widget method.
  • TypeScript - The on/off methods are not available for dxPopup.

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Pacchetto di componenti JavaScript per uno sviluppo del Web reattivo.

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